Ch17- that's a long way

640 45 16

Lexi P.O.V

I sat editing my vlogs. Although my mind was else where......

'What would Ross do if he found out?'

'Would he kill Trott?'

'What if you get pregnant? No. He used protection. You'll be fine.'

'But not it it broke.'

"Urg!" I groan as I hit my head off the table. "You okay?" I hear a voice ask. I glance at the man in my room.


He seems to know when somethings bothering me.

I bring my head up off the table. "Scared." I admit. He sighs. "Maybe we should tell him. He might not t-!"

"NO!" I cut him off. "Are you insane. You know what he done to you when you kissed me. This will just blow it all to shit." I tell him.

He walks over and lifts my head up with his hand. "If that's what you want." He said as he kisses me softly.

He pulls away and smiles. "I have a little something planned for you." He grinned. I raise an eyebrow. "And now I'm scared." I say sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes. "How does a week in Scotland sound? You've never been right?" He asked. My eyes widened. As much as I hadn't been to Scotland. I loved it and all its history.

"But that's a really long way." I tell him. He laughs. "I know. And it's just what we need." I felt my cheeks burn at his want for 'Privacy.'

"Sounds awesome. When do we leave?" I ask. He grins. "How about Sunday?" He asked. I count on my fingers how many days till Sunday.

"So it's Thursday. A that's 123 3 days?" I guess. He nods. "About that. So you up for it? Ross has agreed to let you go but you need to pre record a lot of shit." He told me.

I jump up. "LET'S RECORD!" I cheer.

********two days later***************

I lay in my bed. Tomorrow me and Trott were driving up to Scotland. It would be cold and windy. Great.

My bags were packed and we were leaving first thing. Once again. Great.

I sigh and turn onto my side. I still had that slight pain. But i had taken some paracetamol so i should be fine.


My phone beeped. I reached over and grabbed it from where it was on charge and looked at it.

Trott. Again.

T: you ready for tomorrow?

A: yeah. But I'm sleepy.

T: Sleep then.

A: let me sleep then

T: but I wanna talk to you. T-T

A: But I'm sleepy.

T: but I miss you

A: but I'm sleepy

T:but I wanna kiss you

A: but I'm sleepy

T: but I wanna..... ;)

A: 0-0 NIGHT!!!! X

T: XD night babe

I roll but eyes and put my phone back. I sigh and cuddle up under my quilt. Tomorrow I would be going to Scotland.


With Trott

Oh what fun *sarcasm*

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