Ch22- TROTT!!

660 41 21

Lexi P.O.V


No. No no no no!

I can't be!

I look from Hannah to Kim. Kim looks just as shocked as I am. Hannah looks slightly scared for me.

I look down to my stomach where a child was developing.

My child.

Trott's child.

I feel the color drain from my face. What would he say? Would he hate me?

"He's gonna hate me." I whisper. Tears falling from my eyes. "Hey. It's okay." Kim soothed as she came over and hugged me.

I began to sob. "He's gonna hate me even more. First I turn him down for marriage and now I'm pregnant with his baby." I cry.

Hannah came over and hugged me to. "He doesn't know know yet. And I'm sure he'll be able to deal with it." I shake my head.

"He'll hate me and never speak to me again." I sob. Kim stroked my hair. "Why don't you go see him?" She asked.

I shake my head. "No. I can't I-!"

"Lexi he needs to know." Hannah told me. I swallow hard. "F-fine." I stutter. Kim nods. "You get dressed. And we'll take you to Yogtowers." She said. I nod and stand up.

Trott was gonna find out sooner or later.

**40 minutes later**

Me, Kim and Hannah walked into the towers. I felt less sick then this morning. It must be because I knew why I felt sick. And I had the proof in my bag.

"It will be okay." Kim said as we stood outside the Hat Office. I sit and knock lightly. Opening the door.

Ross looked slightly shocked that I walled in and Trott didn't even bother to make eye contact. And Smith was to busy on his computer to even notice me.

"Lexi? What are you doing here? I thought you were sick?" Ross asked. I smile. "I'm fine. I just need to speak to Trott." I say.

Trott lifted his head at his name. My eyes flick over to him before they go back to Ross. "Alone." I finish.

Trott sighed. "I don't really wan-!"

"It's something that has to be discussed." I cut him off. He looks up at me and takes a deep breath. "Okay fine." He said getting up.

I gulp and walk out and into the common room. Trott followed.

"Lexi. If your here to-!"

"I'm not here to shout at you or yell at you for not talking to me. I'm here to tell you something." I say.

He looks me up and down. "Don't say that your now going to accept my invitation to get married." He growled.

I blink. "N-no. Trott listen I-!"

"Or maybe your here to end it all together!" He yelled. He was getting angry for no reason. "No! Trott let me speak! I-!"

"Go on then. Tell me. Breaks my heart more! Bec-!"

"TROTT!!" I scream.

"WHAT!?" He shouted back. My heart began to beat faster.

"I-I... I'm... I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant Trott." I say finally. His angry expression fell. "Pregnant?" He asked shocked.

I nod slowly. "Y-yes. I have the tests here." I say as I pull out the tests and hand them to him. He looked at each one with side eyes.

"Lexi. I..when did you find out?" He asked. "About an hour ago. I came to tell you straight away. But at first I was scared. P-please don't hate me." I whimper.

He sighed and sat in one of the chairs. "Lexi. I love you more then anything. How could I ever hate you?" He said.

I sit across from him. "Chris I'm so sorry." I say as tears fell from my eyes. He looked up and cupped my face with both hands. "it's not your fault. I'm the one who got you pregnant. There's no one to blame but me." He said before he pressed his lips to mine.

"But it's not exactly a bad thing." He says as he pulls away. I blink. "What do you mean?" I ask. He smiles. "Lexi. Your pregnant. You have a little walrus growing inside you." He said as he placed a hand on my tummy. Where the baby would be.

"And that's amazing." He whispered. I laugh at the fact he said 'little walrus.' I place a hand on top of his. "So you want it?" I ask smiling.

He nods. "Of course. It's our own little person. I'd never forgive myself if we didn't have it." He said. Brushing some hair behind my ear.

I smile. "What about Ross?" I ask. Trott sighs. "We can't keep this from him." He said.

"Luckily. You won't have to." Someone said from the door. Me and Trott jumped up to see Ross standing at the common room door.

He didn't looked annoyed.

But he didn't exactly look happy or calm either.

"Ross! I.. um... We... me." I stutter. Unable to get words out. But my brother just stood there.

"I knew it would happen. Also Hannah told me and stopped me from coming to kill Trott." He said.

Thank you Hannah. Thank you so fucking much.

I heard Trott gulp. "Oh shit." He muttered. I sigh. "Ross I-!"

"Your a big girl ands can look after yourself. I know what your gonna say. I've lived with you for 3 years Lexi. You've said it more times then you know."

I giggle. "Okay. So your not annoyed?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No. I'm definitely annoyed. But I have to deal with it." He said forcing a smile.

I burst out laughing at his smile.

All was right again.

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