Ch16- the morning after

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Lexi P.O.V

I had a slight pain when i woke. But it wasn't to bad.

I sat up, dressed in one of Trott's tee shirts and looked around the sun streaked room.

I sigh. I can't believe what me and Trott done last night. It was amazing, yet scary.

What would Ross say!?

'Okay lexi. Calm down. Ross doesn't have to know about this. At least not yet.' I tell myself.

I look around the room. Mine and Trott's undergarments on the floor.

I sling my legs over the side of the bed and attempt to get up. But someone grabs my wrist and pulls me next to them.

"Where do you think your going, beautiful?" Trott whispered in my ear. I smile as he pulls me close to him. "I actually don't know." I tell him as I snuggle up to him and draw invisible shapes across his bare chest with my finger.

I looked up and noticed he still had his eyes closed as he breathed deeply. Suddenly a very frightening thought came to mind.

"You used protection right?" I ask. He opened one eye and smiled. "Of course. I'm not that stupid." He joked. I roll my eyes. "I find that hard to believe." I whisper as I sit up. Wincing a bit.

That's when Trott sat up. "I'm sorry if it hurt." He apologised. I smile and kiss his cheek. "There was more pleasure then pain." I whisper as I get out of bed.


I stood fully washed and dressed in Trott's kitchen. Making both me and him a cup of tea.

Just as I was stirring them I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and a pair if lips to my neck. "What you doing?" Trott asked in a hushed whisper.

I giggle. "What you wanted me to do. Make you tea." I tell him. He laughed a little. "Thanks babe."

I roll my eyes. "Don't call me babe." I tell him. He raises an eyebrow. "Why?" He asked. I shrug. "Just don't like it." I admit.

I kisses me neck softly and moves around to my front. Looping his fingers into my belt loops and pulling me so I'm leaning on his front. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

"You won't tell Ross will you?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Not unless I have a death wish." He smiled. I smile and look at the clock.

"Oh god. We need to get to the office." I say as the clock read near 11 o'clock. Trott nodded. "I'll drive." He said. I nod. "Good. Because I can't drive." I laugh as I grab my coat.

***20 minutes later***

I skipped into my office. Still ignoring the slight pain and sat in my chair.

Today I was making some vogue explaining about my time in Africa and when the documentary was out on TV.

"Morning gurl." Hannah chimed as she walked in holding a few Bubble Teas. "Morning." I smile as she passes me one if the cups.

"Tanks!" I say. Purposely missing the H. She rolls her eyes. "You were a bit late this morning. How come?" She asked. I gulp.

"I was at Trott's last night." I tell her. Her eyes widen. I shake my head. "Playing video games! And I fell asleep. Then in the morning the stupid bugger didn't wake me for work." I lie.

Hannah looks me up and down and I return the gesture. "Okay." She said finally. I let out the breath I didn't know I had been holding in.

"Enjoy your Bubble Tea. And also, Trott has something planned for you." She tells me as she head to the door.

"What is it?" I also curiously. She smiles. "You'll see." She teased. I scowl at her as she leave the room.

"Well, I have Vlogs to do." I say as I set up th camera.

I hadn't done this in six months. Oh joy.

Let's see if my Lens Buddies are still my Lens Buddies.

She's not getting preggers
Just no.

Or at least not yet!
Hahaha hah
Anywho, what do you guys think he has planned for Lexi?

Because. I honestly have no idea.



The Adventures Of Lexi (Sequel to Related to Him) 2/3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن