Ch9- your not better then him!

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Lexi P.O.V

I shoved Mitch away almost instantly. How dare he!

"Alexia I-!" He didn't get the chance to finish as I slapped his face. He yelped and backed away. "HOW DARE YOU!" I yell.

He seemed shocked. As if he expected me to kiss back. But no. He wasn't Trott. I didn't feel for him the way i felt for Trott.

Mitch was just a friend.

Trott was more.

"Alexia I'm sorry. I just thought-!"

"You thought you could kiss me!?" I ask. He blinks. "Well I- I just thought that- I didn't mean to." He stuttered.

"Oh Bullshit!" I shout. "You kissed me for some reason! So what was it!?" I ask him.

He tries to speak but can't seem to find the words. My angry bubbles and burns. Over heating rapidly.

"MITCH!" I shout. Stopping him from stuttering. "Just tell me!" I cry. Tears rimming.

He sighs. "Fine! I like you. I mean really like you. More like love you." He admitted. I blink. "Why?" I ask in a whisper.

"Because your just amazing. Your the perfect girl and I love you." He said in almost a shout.

I shake my head. "I sorry Mitch. But I don't feel the same way and I never will." I tell him. He seems speechless. "Lexi if you would just give me a chance." He sighed. 

"No! I love Trott not you!" I hiss. I know I'm being cruel but I love Trott. He's the only one to hold my heart.

"Lexi. I can do better, be better then him."

"YOU! You are not better then him!!" I scream. He goes to grab my arm but I slap hin away. Then before he could say another word I ran down the hill and into the long dry grass.

I ran as fast as I could back to the village. Leaving Mitch at the dead tree.

He had no right to kiss me.

I love Trott not him.

And that's how it's gonna stay


Okay as you can see this book is short.

But don't worry your asses because there will be a part to in this book.

But not just yet!


The Adventures Of Lexi (Sequel to Related to Him) 2/3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant