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After weeks of searching Falicity Trott wasn't anywhere to be seen. Alexia and Trott didn't want to give up hope on their little girl but she seemed to vanish off the face of the earth.

As for Smith. Every day he would go to see Falicity. Making sure she was safe and well. But no one ever seemed to notice his absence.

They were all to lost in grief over the loss of Falicity.

But it was Trott and Lexi who were affected the most.

Alexia P.O.V

I walked into the empty room of my little girl. Tears threatened to fall and stung my eyes.

I walked over to her cot and rested a hand on it. Remembering when i last put her down to sleep. When i placed a soft kiss on her head as she drifted off to sleep.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I look back at Trott. His eyes were full of sadness and misery. He missed his daughter.

He nearly lost her once. And now we'd lost her again.

"We'll find her. I swear to heaven and earth ill do all I can in my power to find her. We will get her back." He said reassuringly.

I smile weakly and he kisses my cheek. He may seem confident but anyone could see the doubt and fear in his eyes.

This was gonna be hard. But we couldn't give up. We had to stay positive. Tell ourselves there was still hope.

Only the slight glimmer of hope was slowly fading each day. Getting smaller and weaker each hour. Soon it would disappear all together.

Along with our little girl.

I felt tears trickle down my cheeks and Trott pulled me into a caring embrace. I sobbed into his chest. This was to much for me to handle.

I looked up to see tears falling down his face.

He was losing hope like I was.

But now there was no hope.

"Let's go see the others." He suggested. I nod and pull away. Looking at the room around me.

We had to get her back.

We just had to.

Smith P.O.V

I pulled up outside Janet's house to visit Falicity. I walked up and knocked on the door.

Janet let me in and I went to Falicity's cot. Picking her up and giving her a cuddle.

She kicked her legs and blabbered her hello to me. I smile and she grabs my finger In her tiny hand. Gripping it tightly.

I smile and kiss her head. "Your a little secret okay?" I whisper to her. She stares at me with her grey-blue eyes with no emotion.

I smile.

She had to stay a secret. Oh god knows what might happen..........


And book complete!

Sequel out in like 5 minutes!


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