Ch20- Castle views

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**5 days later** (go with it)
Lexi P.O.V

After days of travelling around Stirling. Going up hills and going to the monument Trott finally took me to Stirling Castle.

It was amazing.

"So how have you liked in here?" He asked as we made our way up stairs to the to the very top.

"It's been amazing." I tell him. He smiles and I hear him whisper.

"It's hopefully about to get better."

That confused me but I brushed it off. After stopping for a breather we finally made it to the top. The wind was even more mental then on Monday but it was sunny.

And I guess that mean it's all okay!

I ran over to the the edge. Leaning on the wall and looking out over the wide range of houses, buildings and many fields. "it's amazing." I breath.

Trott came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I laugh and spread out my arms.

"I'm the king of the world!" I shout. I hear Trott laugh as he let's me go. I watch over the view again till I hear someone clear their throat.

Then I turned round. And Trott was down on one knee. With a ring in his hand. He had a huge smile upon his face.


I didn't.

"Alexia Kristina Jade Hornby, I lo-!"

"Stop." I cut him off. His smile falls as he sees the expression on my face. I hesitantly shake my head and back up a bit.

He gets back to his feet. "What? Why?" He asked. Clearly broken.

I gulp. "Chris. I'm eighteen. Marriage is the last thing in my mind. I'm to young." I stutter. His eyes water.

"Lexi..." he starts. But he can't finish. "Trott. I'm sorry. I'm scared. Marriage is a huge thing that I don't think I can handle just yet." I say as I back up against the small wall.

He sighs and wipes his eyes. Putting the ring back in his pocket. "Let's go." He mutters as he starts to walk away. Leaving me standing there.

My eyes water. He was gonna hate me. "Trott wait-!"
"Come on. Let's go home."

What did he mean by that?!

I swallow my guilt and walk after. Trying my hardest not to cry.

Marriage was a massive thing.

And i don't think I'm ready.

Everyone has fears. And this one of mine. I just hope Trott can understand.

**when they get back to Bristol**

Trott had slept on the sofa the rest of the time we were there. And the car journey hole was just and awkward silence. I didn't even sleep. I just stared at my hands.

Once I had gotten my bags out of the car I walked into mine and Ross' house.

My brother smiled widely at me but I just shook my head sadly and walked to my room.

I had broken Trott's heart. All because I was scared. I could have just said yes. We weren't getting married right there and then.

But it was to late now.


I have nothing to say!
*hides under bed* please don't hurt me.

And sorry but no updates today. Out with family.

Doing social things....


The Adventures Of Lexi (Sequel to Related to Him) 2/3Where stories live. Discover now