Ch10- I just wanna go home!

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Alexia P.O.V

The past week has been real awkward between me and Mitch. He tried to apologise time and time again but i just walked away.

If i didn't someone would have died.

Specifically him.

"Why do you keep avoiding Mitch?" Savannah asked. I was surprised that she used his real name. "I'd rather not say." I answer.

Today me and the children were painting a mural on the side of the new school.

"Oh. How come?" She asked. I sigh. "Let's just say we fell out. And are not talking at the moment." I say sourly.

She nodded. "Okay. But you only have half a month left here. Then you go home." I nod.

Right now that's all I want to do.

**three hours later**

I helped Sera paint some flowers on the mural. "Lexi could I talk to you?" I looked up to see Jerome. I nod. "I'll be back in a minute." I tell Sera. She nods and continues to paint.

I followed Jerome a few meters away. "If this is about Mitch I'd rather just go back to the mural painting." I say as he stops.

"Mitch is sorry for kissing you." Jerome said, completely ignoring what I just said.

"So he should be! I don't love him. I love Trott and I always will." I growl. He held up his hands. "I know I know. But he just wants to apologise for what he done." I narrow my eyes.

"I don't want to see him okay? I just want to go home!" I yell as I walk away.

I go back to the children and hide my anger. Continuing with the painting.

The sooner I get home the better.

**a few hours later**

I sat in the room I shared with Savannah. I hadn't told anyone back home about the kiss. I didn't want Trott finding out.

I sat wondering what to write back to the Yogs. I tap my pen on the paper and bite my lip.

I had to write something. I sigh and put pen to paper.

Hey guys.

Not long till I come home.

2 weeks? I can't wait to see you all again. It's been waaaay to long.

Today we painted on the side of the school, the children here are very talented. Mitch and Jerome have helped with the hunting and I swear I'm going vegan.

Nuka is getting really big now. He's going to have to go back to the wild soon. Because he's nearly fully grown. But he's just a big kitten at heart. A big fluffy kittens who loves cuddles.

Because who doesn't love cuddles?

Savannah is a great tribe leader. She warmed to the job really well. Nothing has gone wrong in the village. And everything is in order.

Her brother hasn't returned and I don't think he will return. Not after what he's done. And you already know about that.

Suddenly I felt something warm wrap around my legs. I looked down to see Nuka. I smile and pat his furry head. His mane was fully in by now. And he couldn't stay here much longer.

"Hey buddy." I whisper. He let's out a low growl and tugs on my top. Trying to get me outside. I smile and get up. Following him outside.

The sun was just peeping over the horizon as it sets.

I followed the lion out of the village. He seemed to know where he was going. We walked for about a mile till he stopped at a large water hole.

"Why did you bring me here boy?" I ask. Then with out warning he let out a loud roar. My hands shot up to my ears as I block out the sound.

"Nuka!" I shout. He stops and looks expectantly at the long grass.

Then a soft rustle came from the grass. I knelt down next to Nuka and watched as the grass moved as something prowled the undergrowth.

Then I large pale head of a lioness slowly emerged from the dry grass. Followed by other heads of lionesses and young cubs.

One of the lionesses ran out to Nuka and me. I was scared at first but then she nuzzled Nuka. Only then did I realise that is was his mother.

She looked and me before she nuzzled my cheek. I smile as she licks my face. I giggle and stroke her neck. She was thanking me for looking after her son.

This was amazing.

A close up encounter with wild lions.

Then the other lions came out. The cubs coming towards me and climbing into my lap. I laugh and stroke them all.

After about an hour it was just about dark. I had been playing and messing about with the cubs for a full hour.

I stood up. "Nuka. I have to go back." I tell the lion. He looks at me sadly and pushes me in the opposite direction of the village. Towards the dry grass.

"No Nuka. I can't come with you into the wild. I have to go back. You know that." I tell him. He does one of those vuvuvu noises and continues to try push me.

I drop to my knees and hug him round his neck. "Sorry boy." I mumble into his mane. "I can't. I go home in two weeks." He licks my ear and I giggle. I pull out of the hug and look into his burning amber eyes.

"I leave in two weeks. Don't forget to come visit" I joke. He liked my nose and I stood up. He seemed to nod at me before signally to the rest of the lions that it's time to go.

The cubs weave their way through my legs before following their mothers into the dry grass.

I wave as Nuka follows and disappears into the weeds. "By boy." I whisper as I turn to go back to the village.

Now I definitely had something absolutely freaking amazing to write about.

The Adventures Of Lexi (Sequel to Related to Him) 2/3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon