Ch3- Meet the children

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Alexia P.O.V

Me and Savanna practically skipped to see the children. I was telling her all about the Yogscast and Hat Films and what we do.

"Video games? They sound interesting." She said as we approached the place where the kids played football. I nod. "They are very interesting. There's one I love to play with my brother and that's called Grand Theft Auto it's all about cars and police and stuff." I say. Not telling it to its full extent. It's can get OTT.

"Children. This is Alexia Hornby. But you will call her Luna." The, who I'm guessing is the children's teacher, said to the small children. The oldest had to be a out 13 and the youngest loomed about 4.

"Hello Luna." They all said in unison. I smile. "Hello children." I respond. On the way to the village I had been told since I was the youngest helper I had to be with the kids.

A young girl, maybe 5-6 ran over and hugged my legs. I smile and kneel down. "What's your name?" I ask her. She smiles. "Sera." She told me shyly. "That's a beautiful name." I tell her. She grins and hugs me again.

**2 hours later*

"Tika! Kick it to Sera!" I call as the kinds worked together in a game of football. I watched the young boy passed the tattered ball to the young girl. I smile. All day so far the kids had loved me. Giving me more woven bracelets for my arms. I've had to retreat to making some of them anklets. As the children packed away the hunters of the village came back with their kill and dinner was served.

**half an hour later**

Havan P.O.V

I walked into my house to hear laughing. Coming from Savannah's room. I walk over quietly and peer through the curtain. I smile at the sight before me.

Luna and Savannah were dancing about the room, both of them singing random things.

I've never seen Savannah this happy since her 8th birthday. This Alexia works wonders. She even made the shy Sera come out of her shell. I smile and walk away from the curtain. Only to see my eldest son standing looking very serious and scared.

"Nuka?" I ask him. He nods. "Lions. On the borders." He told me. My smile falls. "Where? How close?" I ask picking up a spear. He points in the direction of the setting sun. "A mile or so away." I nod. "Let's go. We can't lose anymore people."

Alexia P.O.V

After me and Savannah had finished our meal of vegetables and cooked antelope we just started be random. Getting up and singing random things. She grabbed my hands and we danced around her room for a laugh.

Soon we just fell down from exhaustion. But we just laughed. "This is the most fun I've had in years." She told me. I smile and sit up. "Really? I have this kinda fun all the time back home." I tell her as i remember all the fun's things I'd done at Yogtowers. Like the piggy back races down the corridor. Or dancing on tables in the common room. And just being random as fuck with my family.

"Wow. I wish I could come and see what your fun is like." She says a bit sadly. "Maybe you can. I'm staying here for 6 months. Maybe you can come stay with me for a while." I tell her. She smiles. "That sounds amazing." I stick out my hand and she shakes it. "It seems we have a deal." Then we just went to sleep.

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