Ch1- hello again

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Alexia P.O.V

"Oh my god. Mitch!?" I smile.

"And Jerome!" I familiar chirpy voice chipped in. I turn and see Jerome. My smile widens. "Oh my god!" I squeal and I throw my arms around Jerome. He picks me up off the ground and spins me.

Ever since the Hunger Games I had become real close with Mitch and Jerome. But only ever met them in person twice. Once on the way to America when I bumped into them and Pewdiepie in the airport. And then again at last year's Minecon.

"What are you two doing here?" I ask as Jerome puts me down. Mitch smiles. "The Water Aid people wanted YouTubers to come. And only me and Jerome came." He says. "Oh. ." I mutter sarcastically. He chuckles. "Any way. I see your hairs not blue." He tells me. I nod. "It washed out." I say flipping my hair behind my shoulders.

"Alexia?" Someone asked me. I look to my left and see and small boy. About the age of 8. "Um. Yes?" I reply. A smile forms on his face.

His clothes are different to those of the village. His clothes are near clean and look well made. The villages on the other hand are old and dirty. With rips and holes. I feel bad for them.

The boy grabs my hand. "Come with me! My father wishes to see you." His cute African accent told me. Most people here could speak fluent English.

"Oh okay." I say as I look behind me. Mitch smiles and Jerome chuckles as I'm dragged away by a kid ten years younger than me.

"My father is really happy you are here to help. We already have a water pump but the water people said we could have a well and other things." The young boy explained. I nod. "Okay. And what's your name?" I ask him.

"Raphael." He replied. I smile. "Okay Raphael. Let's go."

Raphael lead me to a large looking house. Not any house. It looked like one of ft he village houses. Just bigger.

The small boy stops at the door, well curtain they use for a door and says. "Father. I've got Luna." I blink. Luna? "Bring her in." A kind, well aged voice commands. Raphael pushes the curtain to one side and pulls me in.

A black man (not being racist) walked about dressed in thin robes. He was clear the tribe leader or something.

He smiled when he saw me. "You can leave us now Raphael." He told the boy. Raphael nodded and ran out.

"Ah Luna." The man said. I bow my head in respect. I'd rather not piss off a leader. I felt something get pinned into my hair by my left ear. I stand up and fell the flower that now sits in my hair. "You don't need to bow down to me." He told me.

"Oh. Sorry sir." I apologise. He chuckles. "Just call me Havan." He tells me. I nod. "I have two children near your age. Nuka. My son. He is 21. And Savannah. My daughter. She is 18." Havan tells me as he leads me to a room. "You will be staying with Savannah. Her room is in here. I hope you become good friends." The leader said as he moved the curtain to one side. I nod and walk in.

Havan P.O.V

I watched as Luna (I will explain soon enough) entered Savannah's room. My smile falls when she disappears through the curtain. Savannah wasn't a very happy child. She was always sad or upset about something. Only she wouldn't tell me what.

I sigh and look out the front door to where Raphael, my youngest son, was playing with his friends. I smile. At least one of my children were happy.

Alexia P.O.V

I slowly walked into the room and heard soft singing. I look around the room. It's huge. With a cushioned area obviously fro sleeping. It had one of those screens you get dressed behind. And a long rail of beautiful patterned dresses.

"Hello?" I ask. The soft singing stops. "One minute." A female voice called. I stopped in the center of the room as a girl about my age stepped out from behind the screen. Wearing a gorgeous dress and no shoes. I smile and bow my head.

"No no. Please don't bow down to me." The girl begged as she ran over and pulled me up herself. "I don't want to be bowed down to." She told me. I smile.

"Okay then. I'm Alexia. Lexi to my friends." I say with a smile.

"Luna." She said as if correcting me. "Excuse me?" I ask confused. "Luna." She said again. "Luna is your tribal name. If your not from here you are given a tribal name so we know we can trust you." She explains.

"Ohhh. I get it." I say as I wipe sweat from my forehead. It was a living oven out here. "I'm Savannah." Savannah told me. I smile and nod. "I know. And it's a lovely name you have." I tell her. She smiles for the first time in front of me. "Thanks. Alexia is a very pretty name." She grins. "Thanks." I say as I put a stray strand of hair behind my ears.

Savannah looks me up and down. Examining my clothes. "You look like your over heating." She says. I shrug. "I'm fine. It's just a bit different to the temperature I'm used to out here." I tell her. She nods and takes my hand. "I can help with that." She smiled and she pulled me to the large screen.

Mitch P.O.V (so many P.O.V's!!)

Me and Jerome walked with Darryl as he showed us the village. Alexia had been gone for about an hour. Me and Jerome had been given tribal names. I had Meka and Jerome had Jadi. I'm guessing after the first letter of our names.

"Lions often try to attack this village in search of food." Darryl told us.


That can't be good.

I keep walking till someone familiar catches my eyes. I Look round and see Alexia. Only she looks different. She was wearing a long, thin blue dress with no shoes. Her wrists were covered in woven bracelets and her hair was pulled into a side plait with coloured tread weaved into it. And she was walking and laughing with a girl her age. I smile at them as she sees me. She says something to the girl and they both run over. "You look different." I joke. Alexia laughs. "I do? Didn't notice." She smiled.

"So how you liking Africa, Lexi?" Jerome asked. "Luna." Both Alexia and the girl said. "Huh?" He asked. "Luna. My tribal name." Lexi explained. The girl smiled. "It suits her well my father says." The girl said. "Oh. Mitch this is Savannah. My friend." Lexi introduced us to one another. "Friend?" Savannah questioned. Lexi nodded. "Of course." She told her. Savannah grinned widely and grabbed Alexia's hand. Pulling her away laughing.

The Adventures Of Lexi (Sequel to Related to Him) 2/3Where stories live. Discover now