Ch11- you've got to be kidding me.

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This is gonna be short.

Lexi P.O.V

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day I go home.

I haven't seen Nuka for weeks. But he's obviously off with his pride. I sometimes heard his roars at night.

I sat packing up my bags. Mitch hadn't tried to speak to me for a week now so he'd be going back to Florida tomorrow and I'd be going back to Bristol.

"Luna?" I heard Savannah ask. I look up to see her standing behind me. "Yeah?" I answer. She looks really sad. "Me and the rest of the village would like to talk to you." She says as she heads for the door.

I tilt my head. "Okay. About what?" I ask. She sighs. "Just meet us in the center of the village." She said as she walked out.

I try to think why they would want to see me as I finish packing.

I made my out into the village. It seemed empty on the way. Why where they all waiting for me?

I walked past the new school and past the new water pump and wells. Since I had been here this village had changed so much.

New houses, more crops, more live cattle. This village was practically brand new. And I've been there the whole time. Not missing a thing.

I turned into the center of the village and see literally every tribe member there. They all looked either serious or really sad.

Savannah stood with little Raphael. He was heart broken at his father's death and hadn't spoke to anyone. But me.

I stopped walking and stood there. Everyone looked to me. "Luna. We have gathered you here for a matter of great importance." Savannah said boldly.

I blink. "Well. I'm here now. What is it?" I ask. She looked at her villagers. "Me and the village have come to a decision. The children here love you and don't want you to leave. So we wanted to ask if you would become a permanent member of our tribe."

I swallow hard and think:

'You've got to be kidding me.'

What's her answer?
Will she go back to Trott, Ross and the other Yogs?
Or will she stay and become a permanent member of the pack??
It's up to you.


The Adventures Of Lexi (Sequel to Related to Him) 2/3Where stories live. Discover now