Ch2- letter number one

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Alexia P.O.V

I walked into Savannah's room and to my suitcase. I open it up and pull out my diary, pens and a paper pad. I then sat down and pulled out my paper pad. I click my pink pen and put it to paper.

Hey guys!

Just arrived in Africa about 2 hours ago. But when you get this it will obviously be longer.

This is just my first letter your gonna get. I'll be sending one each week if I'm not busy.

But so far so good. I made a new friend. Her names Savannah and she's really nice. Also some old friends are here.

Mitch and Jerome are here in Africa with me! Some one I actually know! I'm glad of that but I miss you all so much. I also miss Sooty and Smith's geckos. But I'll be back before you know it. And you'll be sick of the sight of me.

And the one thing I really miss is the jaffas and the Kinder. Yeah. I miss that the most. Not my brother or my boyfriend just the Jaffas and Kinder.

Nah I'm kidding. I love and miss you all very much and wish I could hug you all. I sound to cheesy.

Well I have to go. Have a diary to write and socialising to do. You won't here me say that often.

Society = Alexia's worst nightmare

And that's another thing. Here I'm not called Alexia or Lexi. I'm called Luna. It's what they call a tribal name. So they know they can trust me. It's awesome.

Well bye for now and please write back. I'll be writing again soon.

Love you all!

Luna (Alexia) Xxx

I smile and put my pen down. It wasn't a long letter but I knew they would get longer each time. With all the things here to do like building wells and helping in the fields I was gonna be busy for quite some time.

"Luna. It's time to meet the village children." Savannah came in. I smile and get up. Putting my letter in my suitcase. "Let's go then!" I chirp.

With all the things to do here.

Let the games begin.

The Adventures Of Lexi (Sequel to Related to Him) 2/3Where stories live. Discover now