Start from the beginning

“Aren’t you happy, Sunshine? We get to spend some romantic time together in Italy,” Landon smirked.

“No, I’m not happy, more like depressed. I actually hate you, more than I used to. Every time I see your face!” she hissed through clenched teeth.

“Oh, how mean. But in the end, I can still make you pant with want over my body and the way I touch you,” he smiled and dodged her punch while laughing like a little boy.

“Seriously, when I get my mate back, I won’t hesitate to tell him about you,” she growled lowly.

“I won’t let that happen, Sunshine. You know that’s one of my reasons for going,” he said seriously, mouth in a grim line.

“We’ll see about that,” she retorted before stalking off to the truck. She’d accomplish her goal of bringing back her mate and would go through many obstacles to do so. Santana would do anything for Nova.

The ride to the airport was quiet; Derek drove while Santana stared out at the window, beginning to feel home sick already. Especially since the pull to her mate was strongly trying to haul her back. It was horrible, just thinking that she was going to be in a different country than her mate and family.

Driving into the empty parking space, behind them, one of their pack members got out to drive it back. There were six of them in the truck, so once Elle finally said yes and came back with them, there would be no room. Sighing, Santana went to grab her suitcase but groaned as Landon took it before she could.

“A gentleman won’t let a lady do that. So of course I will, just for you Sunshine,” he smiled at her scrunched up forehead. Her heart beat excitedly, feeling embarrassed over his courteousness. And he was able to hear her rapid heart rate increase, which told him how much he affected her. It was infuriating! Blushing, Santana turned away from him. Across the truck, Damon snickered. He loved seeing her flustered, and enjoyed every minute of it while his mate only shook her head at him.

“Leave her alone Damon, she’s been through a lot already. You don’t have to add to her embarrassment,” Scarlett said while trying to be serious, even though laughter shone in her bright honey coloured eyes.

“I can’t help it; her face is so funny when she gets mad. No wonder everyone likes to tease her.”

“Shut it,” Santana glared while walking towards the airport entrance. She had a feeling it was going to be a long journey, guessing Nesta had the same idea. Suddenly remembering the old woman, she ran back to the truck to see Derek already helping with her luggage. Santana smiled, loving the sweet side of her friend. Nesta only chuckled at him, and patted his shoulder. Since Derek had so much already of both his and Nesta’s stuff, Santana jumped in to help.

“Here, I’ll carry some of it,” she took it out of his hands while he mumbled his refusal.

“No, I can carry it,” he stared into her gold eyes, showing…love? She hated when he looked at her like that, it made her feel open and revealed somehow.

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