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Hongjoong: The guys wanna play basketball tomorrow, you in?

He had sent the text nearly two hours ago and yet there was still no reply from Seonghwa, which Hongjoong found odd since he normally texted him back fairly quickly.

He tapped his fingers against his phone. Seonghwa was probably just busy with homework or studying - or maybe he was helping his mother with chores.

Hongjoong figured he could just walk over and see what Seonghwa was up to, or would that be too weird? He could just as easily wait for Seonghwa to respond.

Hongjoong busied himself with tidying up his room for the first time in weeks. By the time his dirty clothes had been picked up, all the dishes taken into the kitchen and washed, and the random sheets of notebook paper on his desk with lyrics and half-formed melodies organized, Seonghwa still hadn't texted him back yet.

Hongjoong bit the inside of his cheek in contemplation and without letting himself think too much of it, grabbed his jacket from the back of his desk chair and made his way out the door with a quick goodbye to his mother.

The weather was warm but the breeze that blew through the trees had a chill to it, leaves were beginning to turn into shades of red, orange and yellow and coat the ground.

The air had the distinct smell of autumn to it, reminding everyone that it was lurking just around the corner. The few leaves that had already fell off the trees and decayed crunched under Hongjoong's feet as he made his way to Seonghwa's house.

It had surprised Hongjoong just how easily he and Seonghwa became close.

One moment he was being pestered by the boy in the music room and before he knew it he was calling Seonghwa his best friend.

He wasn't quite sure when he had let the boy in or why he had been so comfortable around him from the beginning, there was just something about Seonghwa that made you trust him. Something that drew you to him.

Somewhere between then and now he had grown attached to Seonghwa and often looked for him first in the crowd.

To be fair, however, he wasn't hard to spot with his head of pink hair. He had thought the color was odd at first but over time concluded that it had fit Seonghwa just fine. So to say that Hongjoong was surprised when he found a black haired Seonghwa outside his house watering the flower garden was an understatement.

Hongjoong stopped in his tracks in the driveway, completely taken aback. Seonghwa's hair was dark, but if anything it only made him look even softer, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he carefully watered the peonies.

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