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Hongjoong threw himself onto his bed as soon as he got home without even bothering to take his shoes off.

His hands were still slightly sticky from the ice cream from earlier and he was sure that there must have been grass stains on the bottom of his jeans but his exhaustion had finally caught up to him.

Hongjoong toed his shoes off and they fell to the floor with a loud thump. He laid like that for a while, almost drifting off into sleep before he remembered something.

Hongjoong managed to produce enough energy to dig around in his pocket and pull out the polaroid that Mingi had let Seonghwa give him.

He leaned forward and set it against the lamp on his night stand. He stared at it for a long while, that same strange feeling washing over him as it always did whenever he was near Seonghwa.

He wondered what Seonghwa was doing right in that moment - they hadn't said goodbye too long ago - and wondered why on earth Seonghwa always made him feel so weird and unusual.

None of the other boys had made him feel so...odd. So strange yet good, it was a feeling he had never felt before.

Hongjoong didn't know how to describe it. He always felt different around Seonghwa and it was beginning to irritate him. What was it about Seonghwa that made him so uneasy?

Hongjoong fell asleep shortly after, glaring holes into the picture of Seonghwa set up on his nightstand, that bright and vibrant smile burning a permanent mark behind his eyelids.

"You haven't been going to the music room much recently," Seonghwa said and bumped his shoulder against Hongjoong's. Hongjoong stopped himself from falling over but still stumbled a bit as they walked.

At first it had bothered Hongjoong how often he found the music room already occupied. There were few days where he got to play the piano, practicing his newest songs along with older ones he had written and songs by others that he simply enjoyed playing. But those days were far and few in between.

The only thing that made it even slightly better was the fact that he actually had someone to walk home with.

Before Seonghwa he always walked home alone, even on the days when he left immediately after class.

It wasn't sad, per se, Hongjoong enjoyed time spent on his own, but he also didn't mind the pink haired boy's presence. Even if Seonghwa had no respect and constantly teased him.


"There's been people using it a lot," Hongjoong defended himself, "Is there a problem with me walking home with you?"

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