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Hongjoong woke with a sudden start. His hand fumbled around in the sheets looking for his phone. His fingers grazed over it near the edge of his bed and once unlocked, the screen lit up his dark room and revealed that Hongjoong was nearly an hour late for school.

He nearly fell flat on his face in an attempt to quickly get out of bed. He got ready in a rush and was out the door within minutes.

Overhead the sky was dark and gray and as Hongjoong broke out into a sprint, the clouds above him slowly began to drizzle. By the time he reached the school it was nearing a torrential downpour and Hongjoong was soaked to the bone.

Before heading to class he took a detour to the bathroom. He was already late, there was no use showing up totally wet as well. He begrudgingly attempted to dry himself off with paper towels.

He looked at himself in the mirror, his shirt clung to him, his hair was sticking up in every direction and no matter how hard he tried to pat it down it decided to spring back up.

Hongjoong sighed, he had done the best he could in drying himself off, his clothes were mostly done for and there was nothing he could really do to dry them. Hongjoong hastily threw away the paper towels and headed to class.

As soon as he entered all eyes were on him.

"You're late, Hongjoong," his teacher said as Hongjoong sat down in his desk. He didn't say anything in response and instead just pulled out his damp textbook and flipped through it until he found the page the rest of the class was on.

The teacher droned on with his lecture but Hongjoong couldn't focus, he was too distracted by how his clothes were sticking to him in the worst and most uncomfortable way. It was bad enough that they were wet, but now Hongjoong was aware of how cold they felt as he began to shiver. He'd probably have a cold by the end of the day at this rate.

Persistent whispering from his left grabbed Hongjoong's attention. Seonghwa was grinning at him, subtly holding out his jacket to Hongjoong. He hesitated for a moment before taking the jacket and slipping into it.

It fit snuggly around him but it was warm. He zipped it all the way up and glanced back at Seonghwa who, to Hongjoongs' surprise, was watching him.

Seonghwa rested his chin on the palm of his hand and gestured to the pocket of the jacket Hongjoong was now wearing with his other. Hongjoong shoved his hand inside to find a folded piece of notebook paper. He opened it under his desk to find a written note from Seonghwa.

You're lucky I came prepared

Underneath the note Seonghwa drew a picture of himself sticking his tongue out. Hongjoong's lips formed into a tiny smile as he shoved the note into the pockets of his pants. He turned back to the pink haired and mouthed 'Thank you'.

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