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Hongjoong managed to finish his homework easily without much struggling. Seonghwa tossed his notebook aside and stretched out on his bed.

Outside the world was dark, the sun had set a long time ago. The only light was the one provided by the lamp on Seonghwa's bedside table.

"It's getting late, I should probably start heading home," Hongjoong said but made no actual effort to start packing up his belongings.

"Or," Seonghwa interjected, his gaze cast at the window, pointedly not looking at Hongjoong, "You could stay the night. It's Friday. Besides, it's late now anyways." Seonghwa finally turned to look at Hongjoong directly.

Hongjoong could easily say no. He could head home, go to sleep in his own bed. He didn't even live far, only a minute or so up the road. There was no need for him to stay, for him to say yes. There were a million reasons he could say no.


But Hongjoong only needed one to say yes. Simply because he wanted to.

Seonghwa dug around his dresser and pulled out a well worn and well loved shirt and handed it to Hongjoong, along with a pair of sweatpants.

"You can wear these to bed," Seonghwa said, offering the clothes out to Hongjoong. He took them from Seonghwa and headed to the bathroom the change.

Despite the fact that they were nearly the same size the clothes almost swallowed Hongjoong; the long sleeves of the thin shirt went well past where Hongjoong's hands stopped. He pushed the sleeves up his elbows and stepped back into Seonghwa's room.

Seonghwa was already making himself comfortable under the covers but he still gave Hongjoong enough room to climb in next to him. He leaned over and turned the light off, casting the room in sudden darkness.

Hongjoong felt his way over to the bed and clambered in under the sheets. He settled down on his side, facing towards the wall and Seonghwa.

The room was quiet except for the whirring of the fan and the even breathing of the two boys.

Hongjoong could barely make out Seonghwa's shape in the dark, the only light he had came from the moon outside.

Hongjoong's body was exhausted from the long week he had but he found his mind wide awake. He watched the silhouette of Seonghwa slowly rise and fall with his breathing. He was sure that Seonghwa had fallen asleep before he spoke and pulled Hongjoong out of his thoughts.

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