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Above Hongjoong the sun radiated an immense heat causing sweat to roll down the back of his neck despite being under the shade of a large tree, its leaves offering shelter from the relentlessness of the sun.

The only solace from the heat was the breeze that would casually rustle through the trees, bringing with it the smell of summer.

Hongjoong leaned back on his palms, his legs stretched out in front of him in the grass.

"I can't believe second semester starts tomorrow," Jongho said, throwing an arm over his eyes as he lay out in the grass in front of Hongjoong.

"We'll be graduating before you know it," San added, shifting lower to lean against the trunk of the tree.

"Don't remind me," Jongho groaned, "It's bad enough that Wooyoung already graduated."

"Is it a bad thing? We'll be with him again by this time next year."

"That's if we even get into University," Hongjoong countered, finally joining in on the conversation.

San smacked him on the shoulder, "Don't worry about that Hongjoong, there's no way you won't get in."

He knew that Hongjoong was referring to himself rather than the others as he'd always doubted himself.

San had been friends with Hongjoong long enough to know that Hongjoong's doubts were always about himself, despite how much he hated admitting to being insecure.

Although Hongjoong would always protest that he wasn't insecure, he was realistic: he claimed to see things as they were, as simple facts.

Hongjoong lay down and used his arms to pillow his head as his eyes fell shut.

For him there was no question about where he wanted to go to university, he'd known ever since he first started writing his own songs.

There was nothing else he wanted to do, if he couldn't make music then he didn't want to do anything.

What concerned Hongjoong most was whether he would get into his top school or not - he hadn't looked into others and it nagged at him.

He knew he should have at least applied to a safety net if he didn't get into the University of Arts.

"Speaking of Wooyoung, have you talked to him?" Jongho asked, shifting so he could turn to look at San.

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