Andy Herrera - Who I Am

Start from the beginning

Present day

Andy sat playing with a strand of green hair that had somehow slipped under the dye's radar, "Woah Andy why is your hair green?" Vic snapped taking the strand from her hands, "Oh I wanted to experiment with wash out hair dyes in bright colours I guess I missed a chunk washing it out, I'll sort it out after shift," white lie. Sullivan came in watching the girls go gaga over a strand of green hair, not a tint as in electric pen green, there was no hair dye that would go that vivid green on her dark hair. Unless. Unless she was putting brown dye over the green making it the brown colour, then why would she dye her hair green in the first place. "Herrera I never saw you as the sort to dye your hair?" Words fell before he could catch them, "Well my natural colour is to identifiable and I stuck out like a sore thumb so dye it is." But what if the green is her natural colour?

10 years ago

Harley Quinn and The Joker came through the door wearing there shackles, the guards carefully unlocked the shackles before leaving dead bolting the door. The two girls flung themselves at there parents, "Erin, Alice hey you two," "Hey, dad I need help with my math homework," Erin started rifling through her bag pulling out her homework, Harley picked her daughter up to play with the toys that had been provided in the family room, "I need help with gradients on a graph," "Okay wow, you are lucky bombs require math otherwise I would have no clue," her dad's a supervillain moment there. They are a family Arkham or not.

Erin was walking the streets clearing her head later that day when a green haired man dropped in front of her, "Dad, dad you escaped again?" "And so did your mum, come on we already picked up Alice," Joker took Erin's hand so they could surf the rooftops together.

Present day

Sullivan was curious as to how to approach this topic but before he could figure out how shift was over and 19 was heading over to Andy and Maya's for a party, to his surprise he was invited as a way to 'break down the walls'. Only they walked in on Andy dyeing her hair, she was coating it in brown dye especially that green strand she had seen earlier, "Woah Herrera what?" "Don't mind me I'll be done in half an hour," they had never seen Andy's room she had kept it shut when people were over so they all decided to talk to her while she was rinsing her hair out in the sink. One thing that was obvious was that she was a fan of the Gotham villains and superheroes her room had many newspaper clipping framed on her wall, there was also several neat folders on her shelves marked with dates as well as a variety of books ranging from religious learnings to sciences. Very few photographs though which was odd, yes in this day and age photographs could be stored but there was no childhood photos not even at her 'dads' place, only the single photo of 19 on her dressing table. "Andy where are you from you've always said Seattle but what district?" "I'm not actually from Seattle you've just assumed it," "Where are you from?" "Look around." Only now did they notice the map of Gotham on the back of her door, and the town logo on a flag hanging above her bed, "Your from Gotham City?" "Yeah No Man's Land district," "Only supervillains live there," "Why do you think I left?" "Your a supervillain?" "No! I mean I lived on the edge of No Man's Land and the assholes kept breaking into my home." She snapped blow drying her hair, "No it was all my parents could afford. Gotham isn't like Seattle in many ways but Seattle isn't like Gotham also. My mother was almost incarcerated for tripping over an officers foot. Good times."

They ended up getting drunk again which was no surprise. It also meant that they were hung over for shift the next morning, Sullivan was careful not to poke the sleeping beasts they were that angsty. "19 I know this isn't what you want to hear but there's a wildfire in Gotham City New York we have been asked to assist," "Andy your from Gotham. Yeah why not Andy can show us her city," not good at all...

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