The Family Wedding

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I watch as Anastasia walks down the aisle for a second time to me. Our sons are waiting and smiling at their mother as she walks with Ray. Elliott is my best man, Ray Jr and Samuel are groomsmen. Mia is the matron of honor, Tia and Kate are the bridesmaids. Anastasia looks so very beautiful and we have gotten all kinds of photos and videos. Ava was the flower girl. The boys both held the wedding bands. I see Tia smiling at Louis. He finally got engaged and it was to Tia. She wants a big wedding in New York at my penthouse. Louis luckily got her to change her mind as he bought land and had a house designed by Anastasia, Elliott and himself. Anastasia and Tia worked closely together to get exactly what they wanted. She created new devices and got some very incredible patents out of it all. She is sharing the profits on those with Tia, Louis, and Elliott. She did that and got our wedding planned as well. She hired a couple of COO's to run the company while we are on our honeymoon. We ran several background checks. We have became super cautious after Marney.
Dad is so thrilled to walk me down the aisle to Christian. He says he thinks Savannah is getting serious with her boyfriend as well. She just turned 18 and he wants her to go to college. She wants to work for Tia and Kate. Not much we can do now that she is out if high school. Diana has been trying to keep the twins in line. They are really causing problems and it doesn't help they are identical twins. Dad has decided to keep a tight rein on them now. Sam and Ray jr are in college and have been trying to talk Savannah into going to college along with working for Tia and Kate. We all got together and discussed it and put it in a way that we got her to go to college and learn the business from the ground up. That was a suggestion by all the parents. We are finally married for the second time. I throw the bouquet and somehow Savannah gets it. Tia just smiled and waved her ring finger at me. Omg she has a wedding band on her finger. Louis shows his as well.
The shot failed us and we got married very quietly in a small courthouse outside of New York City. Louis and I married a month ago. He was thrilled about the baby, what he demanded was that we get married immediately. At first I was mad and then he helped me see reason and it all had something to do with inheritance and wills and my ability to inherit the company and be left his family's estate. Dad came into the picture on it as well. He agreed with Louis and gave me a good talking to about what could happen if something happens to Louis and he dies even with a will and leaves me everything it could still be contested. People come out of nowhere when there isn't a legal spouse. So we talked about it for a week and we got married soon afterward.
Tia and I are going to announce our marriage before the happy couple take off on their honeymoon with their sons. Tia and I are going on honeymoon. for two weeks. I made sure we had a good hand on things at the company. Charon tried to pull more antics but Tia just laughed at her. She lied and said we got a marriage license and hadn't went through with it yet. Tia told her to prove it. We got a restraining order for Tia and her whole family and they gave it to us because of extenuating circumstances. Christian helped push it through. And Chris helped as well. Two multi billionaires being related to you helps a lot in getting legal actions done. Kate has been digging into the suicide and she has found some things that the cops missed and reported it to them.
The wedding went off nicely and Tia is married and pregnant. I am thrilled all our children have married and have children on the way. Anastasia is going on her honeymoon and the boys and the mannies and security along with Gail and Taylor are going with them. Tia and Louis are going with them as well. They are going to stay on Christian's estate for two weeks and come back on Anastasia's jet. Someone called Charon called Carrick and spoke to him at length he recorded everything. Welch started digging into her background and he and Kate had some very strong evidence that the wife who supposedly committed suicide hadn't. She was murdered and the indications it was a woman who killed her. The New York DA is looking into the case Carrick thinks Charon Duncan can be very dangerous.
I call Louis and I tell him about the call from Charon and that I recorded every word of it. Charon Duncan has a lot of restraining orders against her. She has some real issues and her parents kept having to get her out of trouble. I think they had to pay a few people off. She lost a law suit over the wife's death. If they could have taken the company they would have, but it was in escrow. I am glad Tia married Louis, because this person would have really tried pulling some major crap if Louis died without marrying Tia. Tia was smart and told her to prove she had a marriage license and she couldn't. We are throwing Tia a family wedding as well. She wants to do it a month after the honeymoon. She has plans already. Savannah Steele is training in a low level position at Katia. No special treatment for her Ray and Diana insisted she start at the bottom rung.

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