H. G. Who?

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I am so glad I don't use my real name anywhere. So no one knows the real me or who the guy who actually owns this apartment. They merely think I am the staff here answering the door. The safe room was a great idea to hide the playroom. No one really knows they exist and no one can hear anyone behind them. The detectives are digging into trash and other things in the dumpster. They were looking at the interior rather closely. Now I am sure I haven't heard the last of these guys, so I make arrangements to move the women out of here. We have to move quickly and quietly.
The guys I sent to New York to watch after Marney and Drew have reported the women missing after they met a guy they believe us now in Seattle and they followed his trail here and to Escala exactly where they found Sharon's body. So far they think he is living in the apartment on the ground floor and the detectives are still digging into the death. They suspect the guy living in it is a serial killer.
Judge Daniel Ackerman
The search warrant was a bit bizarre but I agreed to it and they issued it. They are going to go inside and cut open some walls if needed,  it they think they know the guy living there is hiding something or someone in the apartment in behind a wall or two that aren't on the original designs. Three hours later the guy is arrested after finding two women in need of hospitalization immediately. Marney Adams and Drew London were kidnapped in New York. They told the cops the guy holding them killed someone and had a recording of all of it along with the cross with her body displayed on it.
I watch as the police search through everything and I couldn't stop them, the transportation is on it's way. Hopefully they don't knock on the door. They found the doors to the women's bedrooms. Suddenly Marney runs free not noticing it is a policeman behind her. Then Drew I laying on the floor bleeding. An EMT is brought in and both women are placed on gurneys and I am arrested after they search me throughly. I am taken outside and placed in a squad car. The gig is up for now. I walk out and I am blinded by flashes and questions are being collide at me and the police. The ambulances are already gone.
I inform mr Grey that they found Miss Adams and miss London in the first floor apartment behind walls and have been taken to the hospital. He tells me to make sure they are kept safe and arrange a place for them to live so they can testify against the Howard guy. The news hasn't gotten his last name yet. I shake my head and mr Grey wants to figure out what to do with his penthouse at this point. Security followed the women to the hospital. They are going to keep us up to date. They are going to make a story about who they are to the women.
Just make they keep that guy in jail.
I will try, your dad is looking into what he can do.
A week later they arrest Marney for the death of Stephanie Steele. Apparently their captor recorded her confession of drugging Mrs Steele.
Raymond Steele
I was called about the confession they found in the detectives found on Howard Gaines phone. Marney Adams was arrested for Stephanie Steele's murder Bonnie and her were in on a plan to get rid of Stephanie and they did. The connection was still not clear, except that Bonnie must have orchestrated it all. I just can't figure out if they caught nurse Adams how was she loose. I start doing the sentencing and she was released without letting us know. She isn't free now. Anastasia is dumbfounded as well. The more we learn about the man who held her hostage the more people come out of the woodwork about his crimes against wealthy women and he has absconded with their wealth that should have been left to their families. So now accounts of his in various names are being frozen all over the world and assets taken back. The apartment is still a crime scene and various families are claiming it belongs to their families. This all happened so quickly. They went after Christian thinking he had something to do with Sharon's death, but he got out of town taking his boys and Anastasia with him. He was afraid that Sharon would go after Anastasia after she was in several photos making the front pages of newspapers. I am going to make sure Marney pays for killing Stephanie this time. Diana is going to be in court with me when they present evidence against her in court.
I know Ray has never gotten over he second wife's death, even though he loves me and his kids are like my own, he has always kept Stephanie in his heart. His twins have had me with them since they arrived home from being born. So they just accepted me as his wife and their mother. Howard Gaines has so many identities they don't know who he really is. He is wanted in so many names and countries no one knows where to start on prosecuting him. So Seattle is keeping him until he is tried here. He is in maximum security prison at this point. Drew London is still in the hospital from internal injuries. He nearly killed the girl. This guy is an international serial killer. We are being protected 24/7 at this point. Good thing I know how to shoot and defend myself. Ray and I taught the children how to stay alive. When we first realized we were attracted to each other we tried to ignore it. But Ray got the okay from his kids to start dating me and soon after we got married. Again with his kids approval.

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