The Trap

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Now that I know Anastasia is mine against all odds to the contrary, I plan on seeing how this plays out. Keeping my wife, unborn child and Anastasia safe at all costs comes first. The school is well aware that Anastasia is my biological child and now her biological mother is casing the school in hopes of getting Anastasia they know she gave up rights to her at her birth. I gave them copies of her legal documents and the DNA tests proving that I am her father and Stephanie is her adopted mother. They know not to allow Bonnie access to Anastasia at all. I have people watching her at all times and my wife and unborn child. I insisted Stephanie no longer pick Anastasia up. We can't risk her or the baby even though she can shoot a fly off an apple at thirty feet, keeping the apple intact. I also know Bonnie and I don't want her near my family or friends.
Principal Howard Jones
Mr Steele came to my office and presented a photograph of a woman lurking outside the school property. He explains that should this woman try to pick up Anastasia I am to call the police and have them arrest her on the spot. He shows me an up to date photo of the woman and I recognize her as someone I noticed recently and now I know why she looked so familiar. Anastasia looks a lot like her but has features if mr Steele. Bonnie Steele most likely was a very beautiful woman at one time, but the woman in the recent photos looks like a homeless person. So I finally agreed to have undercover security acting as staff members. They hopefully won't be here long. They won't have any interaction with anyone but Anastasia. Two females and two males. Tomas Argeant, Alvin Lewis, Sandra Jones and Alicia Smith. They have came in to meet me in five minute increments and waiting to find out if I can give the okay. I can't allow them to be around the other children, but I can make sure no one calls the cops on them if they have to come to aid in protecting young miss Steele. Although the extra security would be nice to have. Mr Steele said his ex wife is not easily dealt with.
I watch as Anastasia goes inside her school after getting out of a with what looks like Raymond and the car drives to the parking lot and sits. Raymond has went inside the school with Anastasia. I watch as four different people go inside the school and don't come back out a while later the car drives to pick up Raymond and leaves. I decide to check out my daughter's school. I have her birth certificate and a my drivers license and marriage license to Raymond Steele. I ask where the office is and tell them I am Mrs Steele here to puck up Anastasia Steele. I get a strange look and I am asked did I have a boy or girl. I nearly forgot about the pregnant women and just say a boy and we named him Raymond Jr. they lead me to the office. I see the four people who arrived earlier sitting reading and it looks like enrollment booklets for the school. Vice Principal Ashley Simms greets me as the Principle takes a couple into his office.
Principal Jones
I tell vice principal Simms everything and we haven't even gotten to a staff meeting when Bonnie Steele has arrived in our outer office area. So I motion for the male and female security to join me in my office and bring the enrollment papers. I am glad mr Steele gave me a copy of a restraining order preventing Bonnie from being on school property while Anastasia is here. She can't be with a thousand yards of her or any of the Steele family.
Vice Principal Simms
Okay I have to play along and then have the cops called to arrest her. He tells me that she will be convincing, but her adopted mother is very pregnant and mr Steele wants to keep her and his unborn child safe along with Anastasia. The principal said his ex wife Bonnie is most likely wanting money and taking Anastasia is how she thinks she can get it. He has shown proof he is not only 9n the birth certificate as the father he has DNA evidence and he also adopted her to further his claim in Anastasia being his daughter. He also showed us the documentation of Bonnie giving Anastasia up for good to him. I look at everything including the restraining order. I go outside to the waiting area and come eye to eye to Bonnie Steele from the photos in the file. I hand a note that I just wrote to the receptionist tell her to call the cops immediately. I tell her the call needs made immediately as I escort miss Steele into my office. I tell her to have a seat.
Principal Jones
I watch as miss Simms leads Bonnie Steele into her office. I lead Tomas and Alicia into my office as soon as I see miss Simms door closed and hear the receptionist calling the cops, Alvin takes the phone and informs them of the situation. We can't allow miss Steele to leave this office.
Vice Principal Simms
I am waiting for something to happen and it does miss Steele wants her daughter and now. I am looking at the barrel of a gun. We should have gotten those metal detectors when we had the money. No we spent it on a new heating and air conditioning system.
Well now that I have your full attention how long will it be before the cops arrive?
Vice Principal Simms
That's them now. We both hear the sirens and the lights are flashing.
Principal Jones
I start evacuation of the school immediately. I don't need to call mr Steele his people called as soon as they saw miss Steele. One goes to get Anastasia from her class, she knows Alvin and goes with him to a waiting car. Two big men get out of the back of the car dressed in military garb and asks where Bonnie Steele is at?
I have the tear gas ready and ask if their is someone with her and of course there is. The vice principal Simms. She has absolutely no training to handle a crazy woman, but who does really. Damage will be done here today. There are three security already in place. Only the criminal and the vice principal are left in the building and are in a very tricky office set up.
If you want to live you need to get me my daughter and now.
Vice principal Simms
They won't do that and neither will I, you have no way out if you kill me you kill yourself. Those four people work for your ex husband.
Oh I am sooooooo sooooooo scared. I know exactly what is going to happen next. I recommend we leave the office now. That way we don't get any tear gas in our eyes.
V P Simms
She drags me from behind the desk, good Lord she is strong. She is six inches shorter than I am. But she has the gun in my back on my spine. We head out and the reception area is empty.
Did you expect them to stay here and help you out if this situation. Get real, they are told to evacuate in these circumstances. The phone rings and I have no doubt it is like all those tv shows and it is a cop trying to talk me down. I pick it up and laugh and tell whoever it is there will be no negotiation today.
I mad fully attired for war against a woman with a weapon of some sort. Otherwise the VP would already be free. My vest is on and my gas mask as well. I need to draw her fire so we can get the VP free. I roll the canister into the receptionist area and it fills up the room as Shepherd gets miss Steele free from her guns. She had two on her. VP Simms has dropped to the floor. Miss Steele is coughing and we have her under control. We drag miss Steele out and she is taken into custody by the police. I hand them her guns and say she got off a shot and we need an ambulance for VP Simms.
VP Simms
I can't feel my legs and everything is going black. I heard the shot and felt it and now nothingness.

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