Christian Grey

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I enjoyed my birthday party, Christian invited us up to his suite to get away from the Lincoln's and surprisingly enough the Lincoln's tried to invite themselves to his suite as well, but Carrick and Grace had it stopped by telling them it was time for them to leave since they hadn't been invited to begin with and my parents brought the guest list over and insisted they tell them exactly how they got into the party and if it was someone on the list.
I had to stop the Lincoln's from going up to the suite with the others immediately. I know their kids were up to no good just like there parents. So I pulled out the guest list and said they hadn't been invited to begin with and I wanted to know who allowed them into the banquet room and if someone on the guest list had brought them as guests without asking anyone. They wouldn't say, so I had them escorted out of the party. Grace told me that they keep trying to marry Ashley to Elliott or Christian. Then they tried to get Mia and Tia interested in Steven.
I told Ray it had to be one of the hotels security that let them in the party, because no one was talking to them at all. The rest of the guest walked off a lot. Security stopped them from following Elliott and Christian to the restroom. Then they stopped Steven from harassing Mia and Tia. He never bothered Anastasia, I think Anastasia has made sure he understood the word no.
Three sets of parents stopped the Lincoln's in their tracks, when the Lincoln's tried to follow us to my suite. Ethan joined the group, Mia and Tia brought a few extras and Ray told me one of the hotel security was give money to allow them entry into the party. I called and had them find the two security that were paid and had the escort the Lincoln's out and fire the security people who allowed them in and tell them I hoped they paid them well. Anastasia is standing by me while we get water from the fridge. We go sit down while the others find something to drink or eat. Christian calls down and has someone bring some of the food from the party up to the room. Unfortunately the people who brought it up were followed by the Lincoln's. I called my security staff to remove them from the hotel yet again. My bodyguards forced them to leave the room. I remind them of the restraining order against them and they leave the room. But they didn't leave my hotel. I had the night manager call the cops and all four were arrested and taken away. While the others are having fun, I ask Anastasia to come to my room to chat about the project I am interested in getting her to look at. I pull the files out of the briefcase and have her sit in the chair by the desk. I turn on my computer and tell her what we are attempting to take care of. Barney had to leave to pick his girlfriend up from work.
I look at the schematics and tell him my thoughts on it and draw what I think would solve the problems with it. I then tell him that it would need tested out before though. We can do a mock up of one and adapt it to each item and see if they can work with what I just gave him. He wants me to work with Barney on the solution and I get the patent to the design I just sketched out for him. We both start getting tired so it is time for me to leave. We find the party has fizzled out and people are sleeping on the sofa and floors and chairs. He tells me there is two bedrooms if I am too tired to drive home. Unfortunately the other rooms are occupied. So he says he can sleep on the floor or the sofa and I can have the bed. I tell him we can share as long as he sleeps above the flat sheet and on his side, unfortunately we both sleep on the same side of the bed. He gives me toothpaste and a new toothbrush. I go and take care of things and head to bed, he throws me a T-shirt to sleep in and heads in to take care of his nightly ritual. I didn't even hear him come to bed I fell asleep so quickly.
I showered and quietly took care of the erection I got from her being on my bed. I can't think that way about Anastasia. Her father and my sisters would kill me and my body would never be found. I noticed Kate and Elliott sneaking out earlier, but Kate is a whole other ballgame. She definitely doesn't seem the type who would be bothered by Elliott and freelance style to dating. I don't pay attention the girls Mia and Tia have as friends, but Anastasia is another matter we are in business together and if I have my way I will see about getting her on staff at GEH. But dad being her attorney sort of prevents me from doing that. Plus Raymond would know why I was doing it and not allow her to sign on the dotted line, I would own the patents she put in for if she worked for GEH. I noticed she avoided agreeing to anything last night regarding her schematics. She said she could help, but she didn't say anything about much more than that. I finally get under the comforter and see her tossing and turning a lot. I heard her mother had shown up and someone was hurt, but not much more was spoken regarding what happened afterward. I think I need to find out what really happened.

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