New Years Eve

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Guests arrive for the party and to watch the ball drop from my view of it from my apartment. It was pretty great, Anastasia looked pretty good the boys were having a lot of fun with her before they were put to bed by their mannies. The nannies were getting way too friendly to me for their own good, so I found men who were married and bodyguards who would be able to care for young boys and work various schedules. A few had their own kids and some were looking for a live in possibility. I have provided that and they can bring their wife and children along as long as they do their jobs. Only one time did a wife cause an issue and that was solved easily without me having to solve it. The guy got custody of his children and divorced the woman. Because the guy was very reliable we kept him on staff and manipulated his schedules and his duties to keep him on staff and it all worked out very well. His children attended the same classes and school as my boys. Twin girls and an older boy. Thomas Sawyer was hired by Jason Taylor and both Gail and him look out for all the children as well. Gail and Jason have two children in their teens now Sophie 14 and David 16. David is learning to drive now, both are doing the self defense and learning to shoot a gun. Jason wants to know they are prepared just in case someone gets on the property. The staff lives in homes on my estates and apartments in or around the building my apartment is in. I have three more apartments in this building for my staff and guests. I pay for the training of course, as long as the parents and children agree to be involved in it. My staff that interacts with my family and friends and have family, we have security for them as well.
Christian has been deep in thought off and on since we went to see Mia and the twins. I am sure he was happy for her, but he must be thinking that his son's mother is gone for good now. I am sure he cared about Marney or whatever her real name was, but he couldn't have known the truth about her, whoever did the fake background knew exactly how to cover tracks. Then Drew was a real shock to all of us. Looks like Mia and Chris are doing pretty good. They joined us for this party and the twins are being well cared for by their great grandfather and a flurry of nannies. Mia was pretty upset she wasn't capable of producing enough milk for her twins, but they said it wasn't uncommon for mothers of twins and multiple births not to produce enough milk to sustain the babies. So they are on formula. Chris is telling her this will assure they both bond with the twins by feeding their bottles and taking turns with each baby. Carl Cross also told her he can have equal time with them as well. That made her feel so much better.
We finally get to New York and see Mia's twins and Kate is going enjoy the party since the children are staying with her parents for a week. We need the break, Ava has been quite the green eyed monster since the boys came along. Mom and dad stayed to help care for the children as well.
Anastasia still hasn't been dating anyone seriously and I decided to set her up with someone soon. She spends too much time working on projects with Christian. Ray believes she needs to meet other guys as well. Elliott thinks Christian and Anastasia should be left to decide what they are doing now. Grace and Carrick would love for all their children to be happy and hopefully married and give them grand babies. Well three of them have given them babies, two are married. Happy is another matter. No children mean Elliott and I can relax and have a bit of fun before and after the party.
Chris is trying to get me to relax and have fun, the babies are safe and I get updates on them on the hour. He shows me the most recent baby updates. They are asleep and their great grandfather is in the photos with them. Have fun while you can is his message to us.
You can drink and have fun and we don't have to get up with the twins for the next few days. Then we are flying to Seattle to visit your family there. I heard Tia is dating a very nice guy. We should meet him possibly when we go to Seattle. Let's enjoy ourselves tonight we deserve it and we need to blow off some steam.
Christian has some female hanging all over him and I can't get close to him without her grabbing him and gluing herself to his side. I hang with Mia, Chris, Kate and Elliott, until a guy joins us and he knows Chris and introduces himself to me. He is someone who has an interest in getting his hands on one of my patents and I keep ducking him like the plague. Sherman Tate and recently divorced from his cheating wife. He has four children and none of them are his biological children. But he won custody anyway and gave his ex wife a nice settlement to sign away her rights to him. None of the fathers know they are fathers, his wife was a very promiscuous model. Four children under eight years old. Roger 7, Daisy 5, Harvey 3 and Lulu 1 all of the children look adopted. None look like his ex wife and they are definitely not his children. I swear had I known I would hear his life story I would never have asked who he was when he mentioned my patents and the one he is trying to obtain from me.
Sherman Tate
I see her eyes glaze over after I talk about my ex wife Arizona Ford. I still don't know how she kept her figure. I guess keeping the weight gain down to ten pounds with each pregnancy helped a lot. She is back modeling again. Her partying is still going on and she is with a different guy  every month. I married her thinking she was having my baby, but when he looked nothing like me or her. I had a paternity test done. All the kids DNA was done and none of the children are mine. I have an idea who the four fathers are, but they make my ex wife look like a saint. My attorneys assure me since my name is listed on the birth certificate as husband and father it would be a huge legal costs for the real father to sue for his rights to his child. So we made sure their pediatrician knows each of their blood types. She smiles and excuses herself and leaves me with the Grey's and Cross's.

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