Marney Vs Drew

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Christian picks me up and we head to his parents home on the sound. It was nice if you are looking at raising children. I personally like Christian's penthouses and that the boys live in his house at the sound. He goes to see them regularly and I wait for him to come home to me at night. I keep clothes in his closet and he buys me nice clothes, accessories and jewelry. Today I meet the family. His sisters and sister in law Kate and Elliott his older brother.
Madison Trevelyan
Theo and I finally get to meet Christian's girlfriend and we wouldn't miss it. When they told me her name I had to see her for myself. Marney Adams was a granddaughter of friends of ours who live in New York now. I called them and asked if this was their Marney Adams and they told me that she died and whoever this is she is lying about her name. David and Kelley Adams want photos and they want more information on this woman. I call Grace and she puts Carrick on the phone. He already has the information and he is going to call David and Kelley to see if he can get a copy of the death certificate.
Theodore Trevelyan
I can't believe the lengths people will go to marry into money. If she isn't who she says she is we will find out soon enough. David and Kelley are flying in to confront her if she has used their daughters background information. Grace tells me that Christian's own security have been suspicious of her and so have the rest of the family.
Drew London
I took a nap on the flight to Seattle, we are conducting business with Anastasia Steele on one of her patents. She us close to the Grey family so we might be able to talk her into selling us the patent and a few more she has. We tried getting her on staff, but she turned it down. Chris said she won't work for a company and them own her patents. She has three hundred lucrative patents bringing in so much money she is near the billionaire stays herself. She is building a manufacturing company and her Research and development building is up and running. So she doesn't need to sell any of her patents to any of us. She does produce and sell to various companies though.
I told Drew that Anastasia is not your typical wide eyed 24 year old. So don't think you can talk her into giving up her future earnings on anything. Plus she enjoys being her own boss.
Collin Sanders
Anastasia invited me to a three year olds birthday party, I then realized she said it was the Christian Grey's twin sons we are going to. I decided I would go just to meet him. A patient of mine Sharon constantly talks about Christian Grey and how he stood her sons, I thought she was delusional until now. I guess I better take her threats more seriously now. I can't actually think of how to handle this, but at this point.
I bumped into Anastasia at the hospital after she went for a checkup. I invited her for coffee and got her number so I could take her to dinner. That was two months ago. I don't see it going past the friend stage, we are just too different from one another.
Ava is having a lot of fun trying to chase after her cousins and the other children. This is definitely a big party for three year olds. No suits and ties involved. Even security are dressed down. I am happy about that, the kids can spot a designer anything and that is the only thing they ruin by throwing their food at the outfit. For some reason I have a bad feeling about today. Anastasia says she has been having that same feeling as well. Elliott thinks we overthink things.
I didn't want Kate digging into things since her pregnancy has been bad this time. The doctor wants her to rest and she can't pick Ava up. So mannies and nannies are keeping an eye on Ava and the twins. Mom and dad call me over and have a chat with me about concerns about Marney Adams and I need to keep Kate safe if things go sideways today. Apparently grandma and grandpa Trevelyan think there is a snake in the woodpile and it is whoever is pretending to be Marney Adams, Christian's new girlfriend. Her parents are arriving in Seattle from New York to see who the girl is. I talk to security and tell them to make sure Kate is protected at all times.
We arrive and I park my car and help Marney out of the car. We head to meet mom and dad, who are standing by grandpa and grandma and they greet us, but a look comes over my grandparents face that I have never seen before today. When they try to get a photo of Marney and I she avoids getting in the picture completely. I then introduce her to my sisters and the Steele's. Anastasia is introducing Collin Sanders to me and I immediately recognize him as Sharon's psychiatrist. But I don't mention it. He is a close friend of hers. Of course she knows Marney is my girlfriend. She goes to introduce Collin to Tia and Mia, Mia and Tia like him instantly and drags him off and leaves Anastasia hanging out with her siblings. Then I see the twins and take Marney to meet them. Chris arrives with a woman at his side. Marney freezes like she saw a ghost. Then talks to the boys, Theo and Chas hide behind me, something they have never done.
Something is very familiar about the woman standing by Christian and I can't put my finger on it. I take Drew over to introduce her as my fiancé and I see the woman react to it then catch herself and shakes hands with Drew. The woman Marney Adams is wearing a very familiar perfume, one that only one other person I know wears it. But this can't be her can it? I go chat with Anastasia after texting my s3curity to dig deep into Marney Adams and to locate my ex girlfriends whereabouts are.

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