A Stupid Man-child

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I broke off all ties to Jose after he basically admitted that he has plans to use Anastasia Steele's face to make money without her permission. He won't walk away Scott free and unscathed from this time, like he was able to before. We aren't talking about some doe eyed naive female like the previous girls were. He is truly the stupid man-child  he was accused of being by his parents. They warned me about his nature, now I have truly seen him for who they told me he is. I cleared all my things from his studio after we compiled the dvd. He caught me trying to erase Anastasia's photos and videos from the memory cards and his computer. Sadly I failed to get them all.
After I caught Maria trying to clear all Anastasia's images from my computers and the memory cards. She cleared out everything from the studio and then the apartment we share. We were moving anyway. I start thinking of how I am going to make my move closer to Anastasia.
Jose called me about bringing the dvd and what he had created for us to my home. Elliott wants to see what he has and told me to have him come over. Anastasia spoke to me later on the phone that she felt very uncomfortable around Jose. She mentioned that she felt him watching her and she looked up and he was. It made her skin crawl. She asked that if he is there to let her know so she won't bump into him. Anastasia has never told me that, but she had never met him. She missed his visits to me when I had been shot. They somehow never crossed paths until now. I only had him working as a photographer so I really don't know him outside of his profession as a photographer and videographer.  Maria I just met, she seemed to be keeping him in line about something at the hospital.
I tell Diana that I got a strange feeling about Jose and noticed him paying way too much attention to Anastasia for someone who was supposed to be creating moments of the baby's first day in the world and the family.
I saw that and apparently his helper had to divert his attention back onto the baby and the mom and dad. Anastasia noticed it as well, she stayed far away from him until he finally left, I thought she had left before we did. I noticed Christian also told Jose that Anastasia wasn't who he was there to photograph or record. Wonder why he was recording her and why?
I hate to think what he is up to. His assistant looked very unhappy with him and it didn't seem to be a female being jealous type of situation. It was more like she wanted to get away from him as soon as possible. I think Jose would have followed Anastasia if she hadn't left before anyone else had. I think we need to find out more about Jose Rodriguez.
I am working hard on a new patent when I get a call from a unknown caller. I answer it and it is Jose Rodriguez, I ask how he got my number and it reminds me he works for a company with unlimited resources and my number was easily found. Well I didn't give it to you so lose it please and hang up, then I block it I thought. He calls right back angry about me hanging up on him. Anastasia let's get something straight you are not allowed to hang up on me ever. I hand my phone to my security and he records what Jose is saying to me. He then hands me a burner phone until he can figure out how Jose actually got my number, I know Kate doesn't give my number to anyone. My security thinks he might have cloned Kate's contacts list while he was around her. He tells Jose to not bother calling me again. He then hangs up on Jose.
Security Baines
I take miss Steele's phone and record the rest of the threats he was making to her and telling her just what he plans doing to her if she hangs up on him again. He then tells her that he expects her to obey him completely. I ask her how well she knows him and she said she just knows him from Kate working with him and just finally met him at Kate's hospital room after her daughter was born and that's as far as she knows him in person and nothing more. She left before anyone else because Jose was making her very uncomfortable.
That bitch better get in line, I have ways to make sure she gets in line. After she hung up I call her right back and tell her how it is going to be. I hear noises, but not sure what it is after she answers the phone and I tell her I will make her pay for hanging up on me. Suddenly I hear so you actually believe you can threaten to hurt a woman that just met you into bowing at your feet. I can't believe there's a man with her. I tell him I will mess up her beautiful face so badly he won't want to look at her again.
After he said that I inform him we know all about him and his other victims and he just made some very powerful enemies. Mr Rodriguez I think you are thinking it is the Grey and Kavanagh family who is the powerful enemies, but you would be mistaken regarding that. You might want to use your unlimited resources and run a check on her father. See how little you find on him. Do you hear that knock on your door mr Rodriguez?
There is a knocking on my door. I am not telling him that. I answer the door and a guy serves me with a restraining order and I have the documents forced into my hands by two other men. They tell me after the guy who served me left very quickly, that we need to chat. They close my door behind them and play the recording of my threats to Anastasia.
Unknown man 1
This is your only warning, you are not allowed to contact miss Steele or her family in any way shape or form. I would suggest that you find another job and another state to live in from now on. Finish the job for Kate Grey and leave town. So you think threatening to damage miss Steele's face was a good idea any longer? I give my companion the okay.
Unknown man 2
I think we can leave a mark or two on his face to make sure he gets invasive questions. Such a pretty face hiding such evil. I think we should find out who else he has victimized and help them find retribution. Because after hearing all that, this was not his first rodeo.
After they leave I call the cops and an ambulance. The dvd and things for Mrs Grey were ready and they took all of them and gave me a thousand for the job. They have me text her and tell her I am done and have been paid and the package will be delivered shortly. I inform her I had a job offer in another state. Luckily she didn't text back. They got everything I had on Anastasia.
Unknown Man 1
I see what you were trying to do, that my dear man isn't miss Steele's naked body. I know because even with her clothes on I can tell her body is not that big. It is my job to size people up. Like you and your shortcomings. I doubt your equipment works under normal sexual congress. You probably need to see a woman beg you to stop to get it up huh? People like you make me sick, go against that restraining order and you will be dumped outside the hospital missing that manhood if yours. Understand me? I have what I need to get you off these other ladies payrolls.
They leave right before the cops arrive and the ambulance. My computer and cameras are intact, but they left me a little gift. One that keeps on giving and giving and giving. One of them knew enough about computers to set me up on line. I hadn't noticed but I was being hit in the face while the other guy was busy in my studio. Anastasia will pay dearly for this. My face has been stitched up, but they said it might scar. I don't know how the guy did it, but I look like a patchwork quilt facially. They give me pain pills and antibiotics. The wounds weren't so deep to warrant hospitalization so they release me. I go back to my studio and look in my secret room behind the bookshelf. I can't believe it the room is cleaned out. I am about to leave when Raymond Steele knocks on my door.
When Baines told me about Jose and his threats, I told him to serve him the restraining order and send a message. What I found out is we were right about him doing this before. Calls were made and favors returned. I hold in my laugh as I know who did the quilt design on Jose's face. I also know he can't identify them. They are makeup artist and no one would believe they would do this to someone. I look around at his studio and tell him, you wait until you see what happened in your apartment. Nobody threatens Anastasia like that and thinks they have the upper hand when it comes to a Steele. Have I made my point. We have everything to put you in prison for life. Right now I want you out of this state and out of the country. You were warned and you threatened to destroy my daughters face and her life if she didn't obey you. You chose the wrong family and the wrong woman. Maria warned you, but you didn't listen. She was smart and got away from you. We helped her move out if your apartment. Right now she is living in a very nice studio with an apartment above it. We know what she does. So run while you can and don't look back. You do this again to another person and you end up minus a body part, the one you love the most. I look at my phone and Diana texts me asking if I have set Jose straight yet?
I watch as mr Steele reads a message and he wishes me good luck in my new life and leaves without shutting the front door.

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