Crime Scene

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I turn miss Steele over to the police and my partner and I lead the ambulance crew to Miss Simms and the cops check for anyone else who might be in the building. The windows have to opened to clear out the tear gas. All the children were sent home, the staff had to wait until the parents arrived to pick them up. They had to be put in the school buses and teachers cars since it started raining. I notice something odd out of the corner of my eye. A guy pulled up outside the gate of the school and made a fast get away. I couldn't get a plate on the car. It was an older car with some real pick up to it.
VP Simms
I think I am dreaming when I see a tall dark and handsome man asking if I will walk again. I know he isn't a family member because I have no family left.
Dr. Summers
The bullet hit an area that could cause some issues with her walking again, we have to wait until she recovers from the surgery to figure out the extent of the damage. She is lucky to be alive. I don't know what the metal on her belt was made of, but it prevented it from going straight through her and that would have killed her. Her attacker is arrested right?
Yep, we were called by my bosses security team when he found out about miss Steele loitering around the school. Long story made sure she has no rights to their daughter. Call if miss Simms wakes up and ask her to give me a call if she needs anything at all.
Dr Summers
I will give her your card.
Principal Jones
I have been given the update on miss Simms. The school has been shut down until the investigators are done and the tear gas has been cleared from the air. Fans were brought in to help with that. Medical insurance for this type of thing is screwy. I can't make heads or tails of what it covers in this kind situation.
Dad told me from now on I am going to have bodyguards. I am to tell the faculty if there are any strange people show up at school. I am to have an adult with me, one that I know and trust. He introduces me to my four new best friends, my bodyguards. He explains what he can. The school is closed and I am told very little except someone hurt the vice principal Simms. She is in the hospital recovering.
Roger Bennett
I knew this would turn out badly as I watch cops pulling into the school entrance and then I see what looks like swat teams, but they allow two men in heavy gear and gas masks go inside. Thirty minutes or it seems like thirty minutes later I watch as Bonnie is taken out in handcuffs by the two men in gas masks. I am glad I have binoculars so I can watch from a distance. I was merely to say I was the girls biological father and pick her up. Now I know I was lied to, I am leaving here and now before they tie me to all of this crap. I throw the car in gear and speed away. I delete everything from my phone and think about getting a new phone number. Hell a new phone and carrier as well. I am glad she has no idea where I actually live. I gave her a fake name as well. The hotel and everything else was paid for in cash. I hope no one can ID me from the other day. I hope they can't ID my car. I call my attorney once I get home finally. My real name is David Morris. I found Bonnie working as a waitress near the hospital. My wife was getting suspicious of my working more hours and now I am free of Bonnie Steele. I wasn't thinking straight about her grabbing her daughter and started thinking after the cops arrested her. My attorneys were not happy with me and encouraged me to go to the cops and tell them my version of the story. After reading the news account of what really happened I called the attorney and we went and gave a statement to my part in everything. Three days later and ROR I have a court date and trial. I am glad I kept all the recordings of my meetings with Bonnie. They gave me two hundred hours of community service as an afterthought.
I tried to call Roger but it says the number is disconnected. I have to use a Public Defender of all things. My PD has bad news, they have strong evidence against me. Besides shooting the VP, I am being charged with attempted kidnapping attempted murder and charges just kept building up. Forgery of government documents.
David Morris
I am getting the Seattle rain and trying to drive invalids to their appointments. I couldn't do it. The odor from the two who had accidents was oxygen depriving and we couldn't get it out of the van. It was like my baby brother all over again. Every time we were riding in the family van he had the runs. So I begged off, but they wouldn't allow it. Someone handed me vaporub to put under my nose. It helped a little. I hope this doesn't happen to me. I won't cheat in my wife again. God is getting me back for her. I had to testify against Bonnie as well.
I watch as Raymond and his wife Stephanie walk into the court and who I thought was Roger Bennett testify using the name David Morris. I can't believe that he recorded all of our conversations. I am going to go to jail for twenty five years. The other witnesses just kept adding years to my sentencing. All I wanted was a million dollars from Raymond for giving him Anastasia.

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