Chapter 58- Against the Rules

Start from the beginning

"So what's the plan?"

"We leave tonight right after dinner and you can't tell anyone Hoseok and I mean it"

I roll my eyes as I sit back down on my bed "You're one to talk don't you have to report back to your bride to be?" He glares now and I chuckle it was nice seeing his annoyed self back. "She's not my bride to be and I don't tell her everything" again I roll my eyes and he shoves me making me laugh

"Okay okay I won't tease, after dinner we'll meet out by the garden and you can tell me the details from there. I'm trusting you Hyung, you better have an actual plan and some kind of lead on this situation"

He nods and waves me off before leaving the room, the urge to tell Taehyung and Jungkook was going to kill me. I hated seeing those two upset in any way shape or form, as I've said those are like my little babies. So I had to keep my word and keep them out of this, they definitely weren't in the right headspace to go on this mission.

"Just stay away and keep your mouth shut Hobi"

Yoongi's pov

"Do you think Sona bought the excuse I gave her?"

Hoseok rolls his eyes as we close in on the house "No, do you think y/n was acting weird?" I ponder on this was we slowly keep moving "Kind of, she was rather quiet tonight and didn't really eat much. Maybe she's just stressed though she has been dealing with Tae and jk" he nods and closes in to the house as he peeks through the window, the lights were on but no one was inside that we could see.

Before Jimin left he told us of four locations Aisha had connections with, this was our third stop. Something about this place felt different. It's like I could feel Jimin's presence.

"Is she in there or not it's fucking cold"

We both jump and point our guns towards the voice even though I know this voice. I feel instantly angry once I see her face, it confirmed that it was in fact her voice and that she was in fact stupid.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Do you know how dangerous this is? Did you fucking tell her?"

Hoseok shakes his head no but I can tell he is a bit excited to see her. We haven't seen much of her these days to be honest. "He didn't tell me, I had a feeling something was up so I followed you both. If your after who i k think your after then I wanna be here and I wanna be the one to kill her."

I look at Hoseok and then back at the sweet girl we all loved, her eyes glaze over but she doesn't let the tears fall. "She took him away and hurt my family I'm not going to let her to continue to hurt and threaten your safety" her voice is strong but you can hear the emotions laced underneath it all.

"Y/n this is so dangerous but it's too late to send you away now so if your staying you do exactly what we say do you hear me?"

She nods and takes out her gun, the silencer is already on and for whatever reason she looked hot. Sona would kill me if she knew I thought that but anyways back to the important stuff Yoongi. I shake my head and look back through the window as Hoseok pulls y/n close to his side.

"No movement I say we go in"

"Or we leave the dumb house and go look over there, that seems to be where everyone is at"

I look where y/n's is pointing and tsk how the fuck did we miss that. I needed to get my head in the game "Come on smarty pants" she smirks as Hoseok bumps her side

"Please be careful baby girl and actually listen to what we say, I'm not trying to lose you too."

I hear Hoseok mumble to her she silently agrees as we approach the much smaller building sitting in a Forrest of some sorts. "Move with caution" I warn, they both nod and follow my lead. I still couldn't believe y/n was out here and on a mission with us as if me and Hoseok weren't dead before having her here would surly kill us by not only Namjoon and Zara but by Taehyung and Jungkook not to mention Hyung. I mentally groan before we approach the door.

Hoseok peeks in the creak and holds up five fingers, not bad we can do that. "Count of three, y/n you stay put" she glares but I glare back making her roll her eyes. Cute stubborn thing I can see why Tae and Jungkook were fond of her.

On three me and Hoseok busy inside the five guys jump up from the table as I shoot one in the leg and point my gun at the rest of them, we're too quick for any of them to reach their weapons so they put their hands up and glance around.

"Where is Aisha?"

"Fuck you" wounded leg shouts, I shoot his other leg for the hell of it and he screams "she's not here" says another one "Then where is she?" Hoseok says his eyes scanning the small space "Were not sure we haven't heard from her in a week"

Hoseok's eye must have caught something because he lunges forward and clocks the much taller man in the face with his gun "Was that before or after she killed my friend" he shouts grabbing something before the man. My heart faces when I see what it is, Jimin's beanie he was wearing it that night.

"Look we don't want any trouble after the bullshit Aisha pulled killing that little guy in my land I made her leave I don't want any part of that shit"

The one next to broken legs speaks "Where is he? What did you do with his body?" I shout, Hoseok is shaking his finger is a hair away from killing the man. "We don't know, after he hit the ground I ran after Aisha to yell at her about killing a man on my property. I have a warrant I can't be having that type of shit going down here and by time I went back to love him the body was gone. Just that hat was there"

Hoseok shoots and I curse but luckily he shoots next to the man's head and retreats "I'm sorry you lost your friend, but we're telling the true" the guys Hoseok shot by pissed himself and that alone let's me know they are in fact telling the truth. They're scared out of their mind right now.

"Y/n is gone"


My heart starts to race as we exit the small building, I can see traces of her footsteps but it's dark and hard to see.

"Let's go we have to find her before anything else goes wrong"


So sorry for any mistakes
Also sorry this took so long to post
BTS has been taking over my life once again and I miss them terribly lol anyways enjoy loves!

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