Chapter Sixty-Four

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(Two Months Later)

Well it's Dae and Moon's monthly check ups. This is Dae's last monthly check up and will turn into yearly check up's until he is five years old.

Usually as the Law goes I am not suppose to be here but since many laws have been broken with me already I have always attended these appointments. And since both Namjoon and Yoongi are the bio dads they come along with myself and the children also.

Myself, Namjoon and Yoongi are sitting in the white metal chairs watching Dr Go handle Moon. Dae has already been examined and he's very happy to be sitting on Namjoon's knee sucking eating ice cream. Since Dr Go likes to give the children ice cream instead of candy. Every now and then Dae would make little hums as he eats like he usually does when he's eating and the look of adoration on Namjoon's face is priceless when he looks at his son if he is not watching Moon.

However Yoongi is watching Dr Go like a hawk. Those red eyes haven't left the doctor since Moon was lifted out his arms and placed on what looks like a changing station but completely white in colour to match the room.

Dr Go stretches our daughters legs and arms to check that her joints are developing nicely but when he starts to softly push down on her tummy and she squeals a giggle Yoongi tries to stand up. Fists balled up ready to throw punches but I grab his hand quickly and pull him back down to his chair. Shaking my head at Yoongi when he growls but throws me a glare as if to say 'what the fuck?'

I glare back at him purposely squeezing his hand in mine.

"Moon is fine Yoongi. She's even laughing."

I whispered to him but he just huffed at me, still shooting a side glare my way.

"Don't look at me like that or you'll be restricted from my bed and my pants. You're choice."

I hissed at him still in whisper.

Yoongi's eyes shot up, showing his surprise but he relaxed his body, mumbling something under his breath and turning away to gaze across the room with a pout. Even Namjoon chuckled and reached towards Yoongi by stretching his arm around my back to pat him on the shoulder but Yoongi still continued to pout. But he kept a firm hold of my hand though so he wasn't in that much of a mood.

"Ah there we go. She's perfectly healthy." Dr Go

Dr Go gained our attention again by picking up Moon under her arms and lifting her from the changing table. But Yoongi used his vampire speed to cross the room and take his daughter from Dr Go's grasp and bring her to his chest, cuddling her close. Not that she minded, she was use to it and to be honest is already a daddy's girl.

"Of course she is. She's my daughter after all." Yoongi

Yoongi pecked kisses to the top of his daughter's head while side glaring Dr Go. I just laughed where as Namjoon snickered at Yoongi's behaviour. Not that he's any better with Dae.

A sudden knock on the door made all of us but Yoongi stiffen. He was too busy fussing over Moon to realise that someone knocked on the door. But we all tensed because for one, no one has ever knocked on the door when we've been at any appointments. Namjoon told me he made it clear when I was pregnant with Dae that no one is to even enter the floor we're on while I'm here.

So someone has decided to be brave and disobey that rule.

Dr Go's face was already full of nerves when he rushed to the door but he wasn't quick enough when it began to open itself.

The stranger popped their head through the door, eyes wondering around the room until they landed on me. It didnt take long to recognise the person. The creepy familiar grin on the mans face and crystal red eyes shining back at me. It was Dr Chu.

And that's when all hell broke loose.

In the next moment, Dae was gently passed to me and on my knee. Automatically I wrapped my arms around my son but glared at the creepy doctor trying to make his way into the room. But he didn't get a foot in the door when in the next second, Namjoon grabbed the man by the throat, squeezing his neck with such force Dr Chu made a strangled noise and fear shot through his eyes when he looked up at Namjoon.

"You're a brave man for showing your face again after last time. Perhaps I didn't make my last message clear enough. Yoongi!" Namjoon

Namjoon pushed Dr Chu out the room but didn't let go of his neck and walked out also and out of sight. At the sound of Yoongi's name, he gently passed Moon to Dr Go who stood in the middle of the room helplessly and sped out the room, slamming the door hard behind him.

Dae flinched but cluelessly staring up at the office door when Dr Chu's screams echoed from outside. But what was cute about that moment was his wide eyes and face smeared in vanilla ice cream but he didn't question the screams he just carried on eating his ice cream.

"I'm so sorry about that Y/n. I didn't know Dr Chu was back." Dr Go

He told me, using one hand to pull his chair closer to mine so he could sit directly in front of me and turn Moon around in his hold so she too was facing me. However Moon was too busy chewing on Dr Go's finger to even realise she was facing her mother but that's okay. I could stare at her face all day and have no need for her to acknowledge I'm there. Not until she's at least older.

"It amazes me..." Dr Go

Glancing up at the doctor from my daughters face I find him staring at Dae, humming while eating his ice cream but watching his baby sister with his watchful gaze.

"What does?"

"How much all three of you resemble your mother." Dr Go

At first my mind goes blank and I blink at him when he smiles at me after what he just told me. I think my children resemble their dad's more than myself but I do sometimes see myself in them. And I have always been told I'm almost the spitting image of my Mom in younger years. I mean I do in a way from what I remember of her. But how the hell would he know?

As he continues to grin at me and then look down at Moon I start to ask myself questions in my mind. So many questions until I finally blurt one out to him.

"How would you know what she looks like?"

Dr Go's grin widens and he leans closer, adjusting Moon in his hold so she wasn't crushed by his chest. Holding that eye contact with me and even so much as opening his mouth slowly to speak like he's telling me this painfully slow on purpose. But instead of responding I saw his nose flare before he drops the grin and leans back again. Eyes scanning me up and down in a scowl but then chuckles and rubs his fingers through his short hair.

"What? Are you going to tell me how you know what my Mom looks like or not?"

Dr Go nods but then stands to his feet, looking down at me.

"Yes but first we need to do a test." Dr Go

I scoff at him, watching him turn his back to me to open a white cabinet and pull something out. All the while still holding Moon with one arm.

"What kind of test? I'm not ill. I need you to answer my question first Dr Go. I'm not doing any tests until you do."

He chuckles at me when he turns around to face me again. Moon was still chewing on his finger but he paid no mind to it and she seemed to be enjoying herself a little too much in the biting. I think I'm going to have a little biter in my hands as she gets older if she doesn't stop after her teething.

"This test." Dr Go

He shows me the little white packet with bold black writing printed on the front. It took me by surprise and I looked up at him in shock. I've been feeling completely fine and this appointment is not about me, it was about my kids.

"Let's see if you're expecting baby number three." Dr Go

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