Chapter twenty-nine

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~Y/N POV ~

Since stepping out the car, I've been hooked onto Jin's arm the whole time. Jaemin has been right beside me also but there was just this comfort in knowing that Jin was literally right there next to me. The other five were close by, all spaced out around us almost forming a circle really as we made our way into this massive castle like building.

One the inside it was very fancy and too posh for my liking but it really was something I've never seen before. Jaemin didn't look fussed and neither did the other six vampires. If anything they already seemed as if they wanted to leave the moment we stepped into the large ballroom filled with beautifully decorated tables and a dance floor in the centre of the room which also had a couple people already dancing.

Yoongi made a quick turn towards the bar, Jimin and Taehyung following him close behind but not without glancing over their shoulders towards Jin as if asking for permission and only did they leave us when Jin gave them a firm nod.

However all this people in one room made me very anxious to be in a place like this. Very foreign and just not what I'm use to at all. I like to be out the lime light.

"There's our table over there." Jungkook

He pointed to the left side of the room and yet even though no one protested we ended up walking in that direction, passing people that greeted Jin, Hoseok and Jungkook with either a friendly smile or nod. Jaemin and I were ignored but I didn't care, in fact tonight that is what I wanted.

Spotting Mr and Mrs Kim sitting down at the table we were on route too I felt a little more relieved to see them. Mr Kim flashing a friendly smile with a wave as he stood up to greet Hoseok first with a handshake before a quick hug. Mrs Kim jumping up to her feet and rushing around the table on her heels and only stopping when she was only inches away from me. Her lips stretched out into a smile as her eyes scanned me up and down.

"I knew that colour would suit you Y/n. You look amazing!" Mrs Kim

Becoming bashful I looked away from her.

"Thank you Mrs Kim. You look beautiful tonight too."

I had to compliment her too. She did look rather breath-taking in her skin tight black dress that showed off her curves and pale skin. Not to mention her red ruby lips and black hair slicked back down her back. It amazed me how she looks so young.

"Oh Y/n dear you're too kind. Come with me and I'll show you around." Mrs Kim

Sliding her arm around mine, she gently pulled me off Jin's arm to which he protested by trying to pull me back but failed when his mother was too quick. Even Jaemin was a little unsure about this, judging by his furrowed brows and worried eyes.

"Mom! She stays with me tonight, I cant risk something happening to her." Jin

Honestly his concern for me gave me butterflies so I could only look away again but ended up meeting Jaemin's amused eyes and stupid smirk on his face. He caught me but yet I just stuck my tongue out at him rolling my eyes and then chose to ignore him.

"Calm down Jin. Y/n wont be harmed when she's with me. You have my word and you know I don't break my word dear." Mrs Kim

Jin could only but sigh, rolling his shoulders back but only to rest his eyes on me, softening them slightly.

"Are you okay with this Y/n?" Jin

I only nodded. For only spending a short amount of time with this women I felt like we got on really well. There was just something about her I really liked and she gave me no bad vibes about her either.

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