Chapter Forty-Six

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"Irene is Taehyung in? I need to speak to him and I cant find him anywhere else."

I asked the receptionist at her desk. She gazes up at me and nods with a slight smile and I nod back and just stride into the office which is actually our shared office but Taehyung doesn't usually spend much time in our office at work, he's usually dealing with the machinery and among other things.

Pushing the double doors open I just walked in without knocking and looked around the room just to see taehyung with his back to me, staring out the window with his hands behind his back.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Smiling at my success, I walked over to him but stopped by the desk when he turned around with a frown when he looked at me.

"What's up your ass?"

I dropped the files on the desk I had in my hands and Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Nothing." Taehyung


"Lies. I can tell when you're lying Tae and when you're not okay, so just tell me."

Taehyung glances at me and then takes a seat in the massive leather chair and lets out a breath through his nose.

"I'm worried about Y/n's request." Taehyung

"Did you make the reservation for this weekend?"

Taehyung nods, pressing his lips together as he stares at the desk.

"Yes I did but that doesn't mean I'm not worried about it." Taehyung

I scoffed, taking a seat in front of the desk in front of him.

"You shouldn't care what others think Tae. I don't and neither do the others."

Taehyungs brows furrowed just before he turned his head to shoot me with his nasty glare.

"I'm not talking about being ashamed Jungkook. I'm not. Y/n is pregnant and we're about to take her out to a restaurant that will be filled with others like us. I'm worried for her safety, that's all." Taehyung

I nod because I now understand what he means, I have those thoughts too but then I remind myself of something I'm just about to tell him.

"But she has us. Are you willing to kill for her like Yoongi hyung did?"

Taehyung scoffed at me, leaning back in the chair to spin slightly to the right and then left on the chair.

"Of course, no question." Taehyung

"Then don't worry about it. By law we can do what ever we want to protect our mate if she is threatened in anyway. So if a blood bath occurs on Saturday then it's there own fault and will teach others to keep their mouths shut in the future."

Taehyung's brows raised, surprised but then hums to himself and nods.

"True I suppose." Taehyung

"Now stop worrying about it and look forward to it. Hoseok and Jin are taking Y/n and Jae shopping at the mall today. Like actually taking them into the shops since they didn't last time. She said she would call us to let us know how it went, later on."

Taehyung stretches a smile, smoothing his finger over his bottom lip. He even opened his mouth to say something but was cut off when the doors behind me opened suddenly and we both stood up when we were greeted by the sound of Irene's furious voice and that woman doesn't get angry easily.

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