Chapter Sixty-One

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So much for a night of full sex.

I was looking forward to it with all of them and more than willing but it seemed that Jungkook and Hoseok got drunk at the beach and can barely stand. Yoongi brought too much alcohol according to Jin and so that resulted in Hoseok and Jungkook drinking most of it so it wouldnt go to waste apparently which was their excuse.

Getting out the car I stepped back and watched Yoongi swing a passed out Hoseok over his shoulder. It was rather funny to see honestly and I wished I had a camera. But Jin, even if he wasn't amused to begin with took out a camera from a bag and took a picture.

That's when I laughed because I imagined the look on Hoseok's face int he next morning when he sees it.

Yoongi walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'll have to stay with this idiot to make sure he doesn't wake up and hurt himself. I'm sorry." Yoongi

I shook my head and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"It's no problem. Good night Yoongi."

"Good night Y/n." Yoongi

He walked into the house and Jin followed him after.

"No! I-I don't wanna g-go to beddd! NO!"

Jungkook's loud whining caught my attention and not so much to my surprise both Jimin and Taehyung were both gripping onto a leg belonging to Jungkook and pulling him from the car. Jungkook's grip on the door was so strong that he wasn't even budging. In fact not even a part of his body was touching the floor. Jungkook was determined to stay with the car while Jimin and Taehyung were trying to get him away from it. Namjoon just stood back, arms crossed over his chest and shook his head.

"What a child." Namjoon


"Hey keep it down Jungkook. There is babies sleeping inside." Namjoon

Jungkook's head sprung up and the realisation crossed his mind as he innocently blinks.

"Oh." Jungkook

"Dude you probably can't even get it up right now. You're too drunk." Jimin

Taehyung laughs and even I snicker when I saw the extreme offense cross Jungkook's face.

"HEY! That is offensive. Of course I can get hard....." Jungkook

His cheeky yet loopy smile flashes towards me.

"I can get hard no matter what Y/n does." Jungkook

"Even if she takes a shit." Taehyung

Jungkook snorts at Taehyung.

"Of cou-" Jungkook

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Jungkook. That's just wrong."

My face scrunched up and even Namjoon looked disgusted.

However both Jimin and Taehyung were laughing their heads off at Jungkook. He doesn't even look like he knows what he's saying. I mean the man is literally hanging off the door and his brothers are keeping his body off the ground by his legs.

"I think we just found out one of Jungkook's kinks." Jimin

He laughs but Namjoon rolls his eyes.

"Jimin just don't. It'll only encourage him more." Namjoon

"Guys I'm tired." Jungkook

He yawns after and everyone watches him. Jungkook reaches for his face and rubs at his eyes but that ends up being his downfall when he literally drops to the hard ground with a loud thud. His legs still elevated by Taehyung and Jimin who both burst out into fits of giggles. Even Namjoon stretches a smile but shakes his head again.

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