Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Since Namjoon first held Dae, he hasn't put him down. It was like he opened this door that he refused to close and pretty much comes running as soon as Dae makes a sound no matter where he is in the house, he's there in a second. It's actually sweet and funny at the same time, especially when once Dae cried while I was in the kitchen because he needed changing and Namjoon stormed in, sweater on backwards and wearing shorts with only one sock on. His hair was wet at the time so I think he was showering but came running to Dae and then insisted on taking him in the shower with him for some father son bonding.

That was only yesterday and as of right now Namjoon hasn't put Dae down and Taehyung has been hovering around him for the last hour begging Namjoon to have a turn holding him, pouting.

"Come on, Joon! Let me hold him!! Gimmie, gimmie!" Taehyung

He followed Namjoon from the kitchen to the living room, and Namjoon sat down on the opposite couch as myself with a bottle in hand. Dae is still breast fed but I pump and it gives a chance for the guys to feed him and gives me a break at the same time sicne they're all willing to help me out as much as possible. Even Jae, he just wont change a poopy diaper but one day I'll make him.

"Just wait and let me feed him first then you can hold him." Namjoon

Taehyung crossed his arms and stomped over to Jimin and sat next to him on the third couch in the room.

Jae, Jungkook and I were on one couch, watching Hoseok and Jin play a video game that Jungkook brought down to play in the living room instead of the games room while Yoongi sat on his phone, scrolling through who knows what. Jimin, Jae and Jungkook were pretty much engrossed in what ever Jin and Hoseok were playing while I just watched Namjoon with Dae.

I thought I would hate this, but I was wrong.

It gives me butterflies to see him like this, gazing down at Dae loving with a stretched smile on his face every time he looks at Dae now. In fact they all look at Dae like that, it's like having a baby in the house changed everything.

To watch all of them with my son, it gives me this weird feeling to the point I feel like my heart will burst but the odd thing is I don't feel that way when Jae is holding Dae. I mean I like it, it's nice to see my best friend hold my son and try playing with him making goofy faces even if Dae is a little too young for that yet to even know what Jae is doing but its just a different feeling all together. It's weird.

"HA! I win!!" Jin

Hoseok cursed and threw the controls which so happened to land on Jungkook's lap.

"MY TURN!! Jin, you and I one on one. Let's get it!" Jungkook

Jin groaned and shook his head, passing the controls to Jimin reaching out for them.

"No, don't make me do it again. Just one win is enough for me." Jin

"I'll play against you Jungkook." Jimin

The two smirked at each other as if announcing game on and selected the next game. I just laughed seeing how competitive they got by just selecting their characters on Mario kart but Jimin's laugh startled Dae when the little baby flinched in Namjoon's arm causing the protective father to shoot a glare at Jimin.

"Watch it Jimin. You scared him." Namjoon

Jimin sheepishly grinned toward Namjoon.

"Sorry." Jimin

I chuckled and sat back in the couch, just to catch Jae watching and smiling at me weirdly.


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