Chapter Thirty-Five

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With Namjoon coming home today, I felt nervous and everyone knows it, so with Yoongi and Hoseok picking Namjoon up from prison, Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook thought playing some video games in the game room would be fun to help my mind off things and I have to say it worked. I've never played video games before but it was very fun.

I'm sure Jae has played before since I've heard him talking about it before but he can play later with me if he wants to because he's busy with Jin in the kitchen making food. Food sounds good right now and even though I'm nervous and very anxious I am looking forward to Jin's cooking.

In total we've played at least four games of this so called Mario kart. Surprisingly I've won twice but I think they purposely let me win because I wasn't so good with the buttons on the controller but Jungkook showed me which ones to press. In which because he helped me he lost all four games so far. The look on his face when he looses is so funny but at the same time he doesn't complain about helping me through the game.

"Jimin stop pushing into me!!" Taehyung

"Nah, I'm gonna win this!" Jimin

I glanced over my shoulder towards Taehyung and Jimin on the couch and the two were nudging each other but both focused on the game, Taehyung scowling at the screen where as Jimin was grinning like a mad person. I chuckled and continued on with my part in the game with is just to race around the track with no problems, if that was possible. I was getting there but every now and then without asking for help Jungkook who was sitting behind me as I sat between his legs on a cushion, would reach around my body and take my hands to control what I was doing instead of focusing on his game.

I don't get why he does when he doesn't like losing.

When the game finished, Jimin jumped in the air, throwing his controller down on the couch and cheered with his hands in the air. Taehyung just sent him a glare and growled at him.

"I won! I won!" Jimin

"Shut up!! You cheated!" Taehyung

"No I didn't! How?" Jimin

Taehyung stood up, balling his fists up while Jimin held his head up high equally squaring up to Taehyung.

"Jee calm down guys, it's just a game." Jungkook

"Well remember that next time Jungkook when you lose. You're only calm about it because you were helping Y/n the whole time." Taehyung

I kept quiet and just watched the scene before me. Looking over my shoulder curiously but Jimin and Taehyung looked like they were about to have a scrap with one another. The two started growling at one another and that's when Jungkook quickly but also carefully moved away from me, getting up to his two feet and pulling the two apart.

"Okay enough now. Y/n is in the room and Namjoon should be home any minute now. Let's not fight." Jungkook

The two just glanced at Jungkook before both silently agreeing with aggressive nods but Taehyung pouted and crossed his arms over his chest and looked away to the opposite end of the room.

"Hey guys?"

We all looked over to the door to see Jae standing there, peaking his head in.

"What?!" Jimin/Taehyung

They both snapped at the same time, startling Jae.

"Woah, what's up your butts?" Jae

"Nothing." Taehyung/Jimin

Again they both said at the same time and I just started to laugh. It's funny when they do that especially when they're both now glaring at each other over it.

"Okay then, well Jin told me to tell you all that Namjoon's back. He's downstairs in the living room." Jae

As quickly as he spoke he left the room. Both Taehyung and Jimin bolted out the room after him which left Jungkook behind with me. He sent me a small timid smile before he helped me to stand up. I knew my decision to sit on the floor wouldn't be wise but I wanted to but now I'm paying the price since it's now more difficult to even get out of bed sometimes, which Jae has the pleasure of laughing at me for when he helps me get up in the morning.

"Shall we go then?" Jungkook

I only nod at him but kept a firm hold of his hand as we left the games room to make it towards the stairs. I don't get why I'm so nervous about seeing Namjoon again. I only seen him last month and yeah I was nervous then too but....oh I don't know.

Together Jungkook and I walked down the main stair case which leads in the living room. Already I could see Namjoon talking to Jimin and Taehyung while Jin and Jae were no were to be seen but I guess they would be in the kitchen. Hoseok was calmly standing by watching while Yoongi was laying on the couch, remote in hand flicking through the channels.

I stopped near the stairs when Jimin and Taehyung turned to face us, smiles on their faces now that they've seen Namjoon and are clearly in better moods. The fight upstairs long forgotten now. Jungkook rushed towards Namjoon and hugged him straight away. Namjoon chuckled and hugged him back, patting his back.

"It's good to see you too Jungkook." Namjoon

"Finally I can hug you again. It feels like it was so long ago I last hugged you." Jungkook

It was kind of sweet to see them like that, I've never seen that side of them with each other before apart from the jokes and bickering.

Eventually they separated and Jungkook stepped to the side and that's when Namjoon and I's eyes locked. He just stood there, and I stood where I was staring back at him. I just sent him a nervous smile, patting my sides not sure what to do.

"Hi Y/n, how've you been?" Namjoon

I don't know what possessed me to do what I did next but instead of replying to him in words, I rused over to him as fast as my feet would take me and I ended up doing what Jungkook did. I hugged him. I mean actually hugged him.

At first his whole body tensed and his arms stiffed by his sides until he realised I wasn't letting go and eventually hugged me back, moving his arms around my body and hugging me tightly yet carefully to not apply pressure to my belly.

I still didn't say anything to him but I just stayed where I was, hugging him and he didn't push me away either, he just stayed where we were in this moment.

I don't know why I was so nervous about seeing him again but I didn't expect myself to get so overwhelmed that I ended up rushing to him and hugging him desperately but I guess it's because as much as I hate to admit but a part of me missed him.

I missed him terribly.

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