Chapter fourteen

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Two weeks.

It's been a painful long two weeks since the trauma of Namjoon's force upon me.

Every day I've been asked if I wished to come outside for a walk and perhaps to meet up with my friends but I was fearful of even coming out of the basement in case I so happened to see Namjoon anywhere. I never hope to see him again but I know deep down I will have to. Its not like I have a choice.

But when Jungkook came to ask me this morning if I was willing to go for that walk and see Seulgi and Wendy, I somehow today felt a little better and finally said yes. I have missed them but my fears were getting the better of me and a thought came to mind, that I can't keep my fears from ruining my life and bottle myself up which is what I have been doing ever since.

I've cried but I'm now to the point where I just can't anymore.

All the vampires that live in the house apart from Haru and Namjoon, they have been nothing but nice to me, showing me more attention that I didn't ask for. Constantly coming to check on me either together or one by one in the time they have to spare. I even overheard Jin tell Jaemin one time that Namjoon and Haru have been banned from the house for a few weeks as if a punishment for them but to me that's not enough.

They should suffer more than that who am I to say they can in this society we live in?

Sitting at this picnic bench with my friends, trying to pay attention to what they were talking about I forced a smile and nodded every now and then but judging by their sadden eyes every time they look at me, they know it's all an act on my part. Neither one of us say anything about it, its not something that you go talking about in public places. I could even feel the eyes of Jungkook and Taehyung behind me every now and then as every time they do the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Did you hear that Y/n?" Seulgi

I propped up my head and shook it towards Seulgi who just nods back, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

"Well Wendy was just telling us she's pregnant." Seulgi

My eyes widen and I turned to Wendy on my left side and pulled her in for a hug, holding her close to my body.

"I wish you the best in this Wendy. I really do."

I whispered in her ear. Its not like I can tell her congratulations because she wont be able to keep it. After this child she's got another three years left on her contract with Marcus before she's taking back to base and sold off again.

"Thank you." Wendy

She whispered back in my ear and instead of pulling away from her I just clung onto her more. Gripping onto her shoulders through her black cloak and tightening my hold around her. I didn't want to let her go and found her arms around me comforting, She didn't let me go either but kept her arms around my shoulder pressing me to her chest as I rested my chin on her shoulder just to lock eyes with Jaemin.

His much sadden eyes bore into mine. Since what happened Jaemin has been beating himself up about it because he didn't fight hard enough to get me away from Namjoon, but I don't blame him one bit. He tried and that's what matters to me. Although seeing the pain in his eyes as he knows what I'm feeling like right now, it made me crack my hard shell I put up for the day and just allowed my emotions to flow.

I haven't cried in four days but now that dry period was abolished and tears flowed down my cheeks, eyes still locked with Jaemin's. He scrunched up his nose and stood up from the bench just to come closer and sit beside Wendy and gently brush my hair away from my face.

"Oh Y/n....." Jaemin

He whispered my name with pity and worry for me but I just stared at him, quivering lip and sniffed a little. From behind me I felt Selugi's presence come and hug me from behind, resting the side of her face to my back and her arms to wrap around me and rest on Wendy's side.

"Guy's wont we get in trouble?" Wendy

I shook my head knowing we wont but Jaemin glanced towards the second bench beside us where Jungkook and Taehyung would be sitting and nods towards them and then adjusts himself to face me directly but eyes still on the vampires on the next table over.

"They wont give us in trouble." Jaemin

He whisper softly and wiped some of my tears from my face gently and placed a small kiss to the forehead before he too shuffled closer to Wendy's back and cuddled into us. The four of us all now entwined in each others arms. I almost felt numb and dead inside but knowing I'm not alone and three more people that I care about are going through the same thing, was all the support I needed to keep going with my life. To feel their love and comfort as we all sat here together hugging one another in comfort it was like words were being spoken but without the actual voices.

We're here for one another and together we will be each others rocks. We're friends but more importantly we're family, all in this together no matter what life throws at us. I just know I have them and they have me.

We'll get through this world together. I just know we will.

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