Chapter thirty-three

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Wendy finally had her baby.

Jin was notified of Wendy's labour because Wendy insisted that Seulgi and I be there to support her so during her labour we were right next to her through the whole thing along with Marcus and his wife, Tina.

Just watching Wendy go through the whole process was overwhelming to say the least. I guess it's because I've never seen anyone give birth in person before but it was also an amazing experience to see your best friend give birth in the comfort of her own room, assisted by Seulgi and I. Well Dr Go was here too but now that Wendy's baby is born, he's now left since it's obvious the baby is healthy.

Thankfully Marcus and Tina allowed Wendy to have some time with the baby and she hasn't let her daughter go since. Seulgi and I were just sitting on the edge of the bed, just watching our friend have her moment with her child, cradling her in her arms while smiling down at her with eyes filled with love.

I wanted to mention something about that but I thought I shouldn't. It would ruin the moment for Wendy even if she knows that at some point, her baby will be taken so Tina the so called mom can bond with her and take her as her own.

"I have a name for her." Wendy

She whispered loud enough for only Seulgi and I to hear. The two of us shared a worried look before Seulgi sighed, shaking her head and reaching out to place her hand to Wendy's shoulder.

"You know that's not a good idea Wendy. Tina would of picked a name out for her already." Seulgi

She spoke to our friend, expressing her worries but also trying to be as gentle in her tone as possible to not upset our friend so quickly. However Wendy didn't look up at us, but continued to gaze down at her baby girl, playing with her small fingers as the baby sleeps in her arms.

"Her name is Sunny. I don't care what they call her, but that is her name." Wendy

"That's a beautiful name Wendy."

I told her, but forced a smile when she looked up at me just to smile back.

"I know right. She brought happiness in my life on my dark days, knowing she was inside me and now she's here, it makes it all the more better." Wendy

Oh god.

This isn't going to go down well. I can tell and I'm dreading having to witness it when that happens.

"I think she looks my mom. Just looking at her reminds me of her." Wendy

Again she looks back down to the newborn in her arms that lets out a little yawn just in time for Wendy to gaze down at her. I just stayed quiet and looked over to Seulgi. The two of us scared for her knowing what's to come next and Wendy isn't stupid, she knows but I think she's just trying to have a moment with her child and expressing her thoughts to us.

"Excuse us ladies?"

Seulgi and I looked over to the bedroom door, just to see Marcus standing there beside Tina.

"I'm sorry Wendy but your time is up." Marcus

Tina made the move towards Wendy's bedside, standing beside Seulgi who now stood up just like I did. Really I was preparing myself to comfort Wendy when this happens so I stepped closer to her side, staying close.

"Wendy? Please." Tina

She held out her arms for the baby and Wendy finally looked up, shaking her head and holding her baby closer to her chest.

"No, I didn't have enough time. Please just a little longer." Wendy

"I'm sorry dear but these are the rules." Tina

Tina's arms were already under the baby that was starting to stir in her sleep. She slowly and carefully took the baby from Wendy who was already shaking and crying quietly but she managed to kiss the baby's head just once before Tina completely removed the baby from Wendy and walked out the room with Marcus following behind.

As soon as they were gone, Wendy shut down. She let out a cry I have never heard before and nor do I want to hear again. Seulgi and I threw ourselves to her, sitting beside her back on the bed with our arms around her to let her know we're here and she's not alone. She buried her head into Seulgi's chest while she held my hands tightly sobbing hard.

It crushed me to see her like this, it's horrible but we all knew this was going to happen and this wont be the last.

Both Seulgi and I looked at each other over Wendy's head, both having the same tears in our eyes feeling the sadness and pity for our friend but yet also knowing that this will happen to us too. But it would be me next and if I'm thinking right, my baby will be taken and given to Haru the psychopathic bitch.

Moving my sights from Seulgi I set them on the door when I seen a further two more figures standing there watching.

It was Jin and Hoseok.

They were both standing there watching us, but both sharing no expression on their faces. I scoffed and look away from them, feeling like they shared no guilt or pity towards our kind. They may be alright at home but when it comes to this kind of stuff, I don't think they even care.

In just two short months, I will feel exactly what Wendy is feeling.


After watching the girls cry together Hoseok and I walked away from the door to give them more privacy. Really we were just checking in on Y/n because she's getting close to the end of her pregnancy, just to check she's okay.

But watching them cry together like just felt wrong.

"Jin shouldn't we tell Y/n what we've decided?" Hoseok

I shook my head, walking down the corridor to stop. Hoseok stopping beside me, staring at me curiously with his brows furrowed.

"Not right now. Its not the time or the place for it."

"Well she's got to know soon. We can't keep her thinking that will happen to her, did you not see Y/n's face watching that baby get taken away from her friend?" Hoseok

I scoffed, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

"Of course I saw, it's just now is not the time."

"Well one of us should tell her soon and if no one else does then I will. I don't want her to go through the next two months thinking she'll have her baby taken and given to Haru." Hoseok

After that he stomped off towards the stairs and descended down the steps and out of sight. I understand his stress but here in this house is not the place to tell Y/n she can keep her baby. None of us are going to take her child from her like that.

Even Namjoon agrees when we spoke about it the other day over the phone.

None of us have the heart to do such a thing to Y/n. She means too much.

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