Chapter twenty-one

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Y/n has been down in the dumps all day since her appointment yesterday and I don't blame her. If anything I know how she feels in a way but it's different for women compared to men. They grow the children where as me as soon as pregnancy was detected in the female I was taken back to first base until I was bought again to repeat it all over again.

I did notice that she's been hiding something in her pockets. She had it all day yesterday and she even hides it in her pockets today. I don't know what it is but its a piece of paper and she's had it since her appointment which only leads me to think it's one thing. Her sonogram picture.

But I bet she hasn't even looked at it, has she?

Nope, I doubt that she has but yet she carries it around.

I just want to make her happy so tonight I planned a movie night which she loves doing every night of the week especially if there's a comedy movie on but Yoongi caught wind of my plan when he caught me setting things up in the basement where Y/n and I live and suggested we could do it upstairs instead.

I wanted to surprised Y/n while she was having one of her afternoon naps in her room and at first I refused but Yoongi told me that Namjoon and Haru were out for the rest of the night at his parents house. He didn't get too much into detail about that but I had an rough idea that I didn't want to talk about either. They're announcing Y/n's pregnancy like a happy couple but it's far from that, you can see the hate in Namjoon's eyes every time he looks at Haru and it seems the feeling is mutual between them.

I'm a very observant person, I like to sit back and watch people around me and so far tonight I've been mostly watching the way everyone has been treating Y/n since she woke up from her nap and came u upstairs to see this living room that was decorated with fairy lights on the stair case rails, cushions all over the floor along with bed sheets and forts made form the couch cushions and many food placed around the room. It was actually pretty cool. All I did was set up the food that I know she likes, the six other vampires did the rest all on their own idea.

I did notice the way Yoongi had been glued to y/n's side all night but what also surprised me was that Taehyung was too.

In the fort i sat towards the back watching the movie that was on but also everyone else around me.

Y/n was comfortably munching on popcorn as she always is, engrossed in the comedy film that was making her laugh for a change. All the while Yoongi and Taehyung sitting very close to her side, Yoongi even took her hand at one point to hold on his lap and she didn't seem to mind. Taehyung sat so close it almost seemed form where I sat they were almost one person.

Through out the night I even watched Jin constantly feed y/n different snacks which she took from him with a smile on her face. Played games with Jungkook which also surprised me since everytime I mostly see that man he's got a frown or scowl of some sort on his face but tonight he just reminded me of a small child having fun which was rather odd to witness in my opinion.

But it was cute to see Hoseok and Jimin constantly fuss over cushions y/n had been using through out the night. She had cushions around her back that supported her and kept her comfortable from leaning up against the couch under this massive fort but each time she would giggle and tell them she's okay.

To be honest it was nice to see her getting on well with them all given how uncomfortable she use to be with them before all this. But I guess things are slowly starting to change, they're starting to change.

I've heard many things about these guys from others and let's just say they're apparently not very nice people but from my point of view and I suppose y/n's, they've been a lot better than you'd think.

Well apart from Namjoon.

I will forever hold a grudge with that man.

But with all that thoughts, the movie was coming to an end and y/n just so happens to have fallen asleep on yoongis shoulder. That girl certainly can sleep but she's pregnant so I suppose she would along with all the stress that would be on her mind.

Jin turned off the tv and sat back on his spot, cross legged but straight back. Jimin crawled over to the three leaning against the couch and tossed a blanket on top of y/n's legs and pulled it up to under her chin with a little help from Taehyung.

Hoseok did the honours of turning off the lights and the whole room became dark. Luckily being a halfbreed I can see in the dark but not a great as they can.

Y/n hummed in her sleep, turning her whole body towards Yoongi and cuddled into him comfortably all the while six other vampires stared at her, watching her sleep and I swear they had heart eyes right now.

It was cute but amusing at the same time.

"You all really like her don't you?"

I blurted out the obvious and only Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung took the second to look my way.

"What makes you say that?" Jungkook

He was whispering quietly as if he didn't want to wake her up and I chuckled at that for his consideration towards her.

"I've been watching you all with her all night. The way you all look at her, touch her or even speak to her just shows me that you all like her. I would even say that she's your soulmate if I wasn't smart enough."

I snorted at myself, pulling my legs up to my chest to sit back against the other couch behind me.

"So what if she was?" Yoongi

"Yoongi!" Jin

He whispered yelled towards the other but Yoongi shrugged and ignored the glare Jin was giving him while I just grinned at this reaction.

"What? He's gonna know anyway. Plus y/n is close with him so he'll be around for as long as she is." Yoongi

Which is true. I'm grateful that y/n requested I stay here as a guest and not have to do anything but laze around. She's like a sister to me so I care about her very much also.

"I guess so." Jin

"Don't tell her yet." Taehyung

"Why not?"

"Because we want to tell her ourselves." Hoseok

They do?
That's surprising.

"We wanted to tell her but the whole Namjoon forcing himself on her ruined that." Jungkook

"Then we were going to tell her again after the whole situation blew over but again, she became pregnant so we're trying to find the right time to tell her." Jin

"We also don't want to force her into any more babies after this. You know the whole sessions stuff? Yeah we're not doing any more of those. If anything happens after that between any of us then it happens." Yoongi

He shrugged his shoulders but looked down to y/n, lightly brushing the back of his hand down her cheek and then tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

"You're really going to stop all that?"

"Yep. It was hard to see the way she was after the first. So no more of that." Jungkook

I was stunned and I couldn't find anything to say but to stare at all of them going back to watching y/n sleep. But after giving it some more thought I started to smile know my thoughts were true.

They are changing and it's for her.

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