Chapter thirty

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It's my turn to visit Namjoon this week.

We only get weekly visits in this place which sucks but at least I get to see him this week. I've missed him despite what happened back home. He's still my brother and this is the longest we've been apart. Its been taking some getting use to.

But I passed through security no problems and waiting in my assigned seat where my brother should show up on the other side of the window. Honestly I'm a little impatient to see him, its been a while and I'm excited to see him again.

Bouncing my foot off the floor I couldn't help but constantly look around the room at everyone else that has shown up today to visit their loved ones in this place. It seems that now that some laws have changed, more people have ended up in prison than we're use to.

There was only three other people in this room with me, waiting like I was but they seemed more relaxed compared to me. One guy was even busy tapping away at his phone while another just blankly stared at the wall on the opposite side of the glass. The third guy just sent me a small smile which I returned to him.

Actually it didn't take long before a buzzer went off and the single grey door on the prisoner side opened up in one swing. One guard stepped out first just to step aside and gesture for the prisoners to follow in.

One by one three men I've never seen before in red jumpsuits walked out with their hands cuffed by their wrists in front of them. Each standing in front of their visitors just for an guard to take turns to uncuff their chains around their wrists before sitting down.

I was too busy in watching these other men that it took someone to knock on the glass in front of me to gain my attention. I whipped my head to that direction just to grow a smile to see my brother standing there in front of me, raising a brow as a guard was in the middle of taking off his cuffs and instructing him to sit down.

"You came to see me yet you seem more interested in those other people." Namjoon

Rolling my eyes I just let out a small chuckle and yet pulled my seat closer to the counter separating us as well as this window between us.

"Hello to you too."

"Hey." Namjoon

He chuckled, shaking his head finally taking a seat. It was nice to see him smile even if it was barely noticeable. But that was when I took a closer look at his face. Squinting my eyes at him and leaning over the counter almost to the  point I was pressing my nose against the glass.

I could see a small yellow mixed patch around his left eye and yet there was also a cut above his lip. He also had messy hair and bags under his eyes. Namjoon looked exhausted.

"What are you staring at?" Namjoon

"Your face. Have you been fighting?"

I asked him now glancing down at his fists clenched on the counter which he quickly retracted to hide under the counter. But that didn't help any because I already saw the light pink scar marks on his knuckles.

"No." Namjoon

"You're a bad liar Namjoon. You have been fighting."

Namjoon only sighed, slumping back into his chair and smoothing his thumb over his left knuckle after bringing it up close to his face for inspection.

"Sometimes I don't have a choice. In this place you have to show you wont take shit from others other wise your bait." Namjoon

"I hope you're not the one causing the problems Namjoon. It'll extend your stay here of you're the cause."

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