Chapter fifteen

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"Y/n just relax we're fine up here." Jaemin

My trusted friend whispered in my ear, sitting close to my side on the leather couch.

"They said we can be up here so it's all good. Nothing bad will happen." Jaemin

I nodded to him, briefly making eye contact with him as I pressed my lips into a thin line. Jaemin only nods back and turns back to the tv that everyone in the room had their focus on.

Jaemin and I were invited to watch a movie in the living room as an attempt to get me out the basement again. Everyone was scattered around the room comfortably in their own seats. Yoongi was sitting on my other side closely but not too close to assure that I'm comfortable sitting beside him. Taehyung and Jimin were sitting on the floor by my feet where as Hoseok, Jin and Jungkook took up the second long leather sofa.

The room was quiet and no one said a word as the movie played on but to be honest I zoned out after twenty minutes in. I have no idea what's going on or even remember what it's called. My nerves being up here were eating me alive right now and I just wanted to hide away downstairs and hide under my blanket in bed. That's how I planned my night originally but Hoseok insisted we join them.

Instead of the tv my focus came to the window beside the front door. I could just see it from where I was sitting and see that it was dark outside. The dark shadows of the bushes outside and maybe a few stars outside too. I wanted to go out there and see for myself, at least stand in the garden but I don't know if I'm allowed and I'm too afraid to ask.

It's been a long time since I've been outside in the dark and I miss it. I never thought I would but I do, just to feel the cool and calm air around me that the night times bring. I would love to go out there in the dark and just enjoy that calm aura, that's what I need to settle my mind from spinning these depressing thoughts. Never do I think like this before but I know somehow I will get through it.

Deep in thought I came out of it when I noticed a flash of light appear from outside. It came on bright at first and them dimmed down. I couldn't make out the source at first due to the bushes being in the way but then the lights suddenly turned off. Yoongi beside me suddenly stiffened and stood up from the couch already rushing to the front door like lightening, startling Jin in the process as he breezed passed him.

As Yoongi opened the door the remaining five vampires in the room stood up and Jaemin sensing something was wrong like I was took my hand on my lap just at the same time Jimin and Taehyung standing in front of me to block the view to the door. Their back muscles tensed and Jimin rolling his shoulders back.

I could hear angry muttering at the front door from Yoongi and then a loud growl soon accompanied it seconds after.

"Just fucking move Yoongi. I need my reports."

Is that Namjoon?

Of course it is, I know that voice any where now. It's implanted in my mind.

Hearing his fast footsteps suddenly enter the living room I sunk down into the seat, as if trying to hide someway. I don't even know if he could see me due to the two bodies standing in front of me but either way I just sunk into the couch to hide. Jaemin wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to his side but scowling in the direction to where Namjoon's voice and steps were coming from in the room.

"Namjoon you shouldn't be here. You've been banned." Jin

"Calm down Jin. I'm just here for my data reports I left here." Namjoon

"I told you, one of us could of brought it to you tomorrow." Yoongi

The door slammed shut and it made me flinch just to seal my eyes shut from the loud sound.

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