Chapter Nineteen

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Another day out where Jaemin and I are allowed to go out and see our friends at the park. It's a great breather to come out and enjoy the fresh air after being stuffed inside for a week. It's like this every time but this week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Again nothing new. Just more stressful even if I try not to be I can't help but be stressed and concerned about the future knowing I'm pregnant due to certain circumstances that has happened.

Again I was sitting in silence as I listened to Jaemin update both Wendy and Seulgi about what's been happening since lately where we stay is filled with drama. Jaemin sees and hears most of it since he's the more adventurous one around the house out of the two of us right now. Myself however just stay barricaded in my room not wanting to see or talk to anyone but Jaemin.

However as I kept my sights low to the table I swear I can feel Namjoon's eyes burning holes into the back of my head. I felt under pressure and I just somehow knew it was him and not Yoongi who was also sitting on the table behind us. Just call it a gut feeling.

"My god!! Y/n all this happened in one week?" Wendy

I nodded at her slowly, keeping my gaze to the table. To be honest I had nothing to say. My two friends now know Namjoon moved back in because of my condition. Haru comes and goes but she picks a fight with anyone she sees in sights. Even Jaemin now that she's been instructed to not touch him and he's now here as my guest. That didn't go down so well either. So much drama in so little time.

"But the pregnancy was expected though. Like we discussed it back in my room?" Wendy

I nodded just to rub my eyes feeling a little tired due to the stress.

"She has her first appointment tomorrow but she's not been sleeping so well lately." Jaemin

"I couldn't imagine why." Seulgi

She whispered almost under her breath with her obvious sarcastic tone but it was obvious she was also very angry and keeping her words short and barely speaking.

I sighed softly, putting my elbow on the table just to stare away passed Jaemin's shoulder all in a world of my own once again but this time listening to the silence that had erupted between the four of us. I guess no one had anything to sat after this.

The silence was a little off putting but neither one of us dared to break it, apart from when Seulgi suddenly cursed under her breath breaking that silence and stood up abruptly from the table, stepping over her seat and quickly making her way towards the second bench filled with vampires.

"Seulgi!" Wendy

I moved quickly, standing up also to grab her my the wrist in attempts to stop her but she just snatched her wrist back from be and proceeded in her mission to stomp her way angrily towards the four men. I didn't know what to do apart from watch Selugi bravely ignore the way Samuel shouted her name moving towards her to stop her but she had her sights set on Namjoon who calmly turned around to face her, looking up at her without a bother.

"What?" Namjoon

Seulgi scoffed, fists on his hips. I couldn't see her face since her back was to me but I could imagine the angry glare she was giving Namjoon right now. But it appeared that Yoongi was smiling at the situation whole Marcus sitting on his other side was stunned by what was happening.

"Seulgi come on don't start trouble." Samuel

Samuel only made a few short steps towards her but everyone was expecting her to do what she did next, even I gasped and covered my mouth in shock.

My friend just clean slapped Namjoon acorss the face and what was even more shocking was that Namjoon just allowed her to. Not even so much as an angry glare towards her to warnher off or even try and attack her. He just clenched his jaw, head twisted to the side due to the force and licked his bottom lip before he chuckled and turned back to look up at her.

"How dare you do that to Y/n! I knew vampires could be so heartless to half breeds like us but this?! Is so low even for you, you fucking asshole!" Seulgi

Again she raised her hand to hit him again but Samuel rushed over to her this time, grabbing her around the waist and dragging her away from Namjoon, kicking and shouting at him.


Samuel continued to drag away our friend across the park, kicking her legs in the air and trying her hardest to fight against the man pulling her away. Yoongi stood up from the table laughing and patted Namjoon on the shoulder.

"That chick has balls I'll give her that." Yoongi

"She's brave too. But I guess I deserve that if not more. Excuse me." Namjoon

He took stood up, wiping off Yoongi's hand from his shoulder and walked off towards where Samuel and Seulgi disappeared to. I guess he's going to go talk to them.

"I think it's time we all go home now. Wendy, let's get going." Marcus

He signalled Wendy to follow him and I turned around to quickly give Wendy a hug before she had to leave. Jaemin gave her a hug also after I did and the two of us watched Wendy begin to slowly walk after Marcus, her head hung low.

"Let's go find Namjoon you two and go home." Yoongi

Yoongi surprised me with the way he came up beside me out of nowhere and took my arm to hook with his and gave me a little tug to start walking along side him. Jaemin and I just shared a weird look, not sure he if realises the way he's holding my arm right now.

"Erm Yoongi?"

"Mhm?" Yoongi

I stared at the side of his face in wonder to why he's doing this. I mean I know he's trying to gain my trust but doing this in public knowing we shouldn't be, is just strange.

"Aren't I suppose to be walking behind you? Isn't this a little in appropriate to be like this in public."

He shrugged his shoulders, sparing a quick glance to myself and then to Jaemin behind him.

"I honestly don't see what's inappropriate with it. If no one likes what they see then that's their problem." Yoongi

Okay I wasn't expecting that response but it made me speechless and even judging by Jaemin's stunned expression he didn't think Yoongi would think that way either.


He shouted across the park towards the car park where Namjoon stood talking to Samuel beside his car but the car door was wide open so I could only assume that was where Seulgi was right now. Namjoon glanced over his shoulder in our direction and nodded, turning back around to say a few more words to Samuel and then the next second later he was right next to us, well more on Yoongi's other side away from me.

"Sorry I had to speak to Samuel about something." Namjoon

"I really don't care Namjoon. Let's just go home." Yoongi

Again I didn't say anything but avoided any eye contact with Namjoon when al he would do is keep looking at me over Yoongi. I would just love to go home now and have a bath or lounge around and watch a movie. That would be nice.

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