Chapter sixteen

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Because it was raining today instead of going to the park on one of our weekly outings we came to Wendy's house. Well the place Wendy was living right now.

Marcus had invited everyone over, including Jaemin and I and even Seulgi with Samuel and his wife, Kim. She's actually really nice from what I can tell in my brief moment of meeting her. So was Marcus's wife, Soyun. Both very polite ladies for our first introductions.

We hung around downstairs in the living room for a while with everyone else as all six vampires that I live with came today since they mentioned something of taking two days off work for some odd reason. Everything was going well and things somewhat seemed normal and everyone talking as if there was no differences between us, it was actually very nice and yet unexpected. I enjoyed every minute of it and almost forgot the reality we all actually lived in. But that was all shortened when Namjoon and Haru showed up at the door.

I heard something from Namjoon mentioning how he came to speak to Marcus about some business work but not knowing this was where everyone was and Haru came to gossip with Kim. Although the annoyed face on Kim was priceless and replaced her real smile with a much noticeable fake one.

Yoongi was ready to take me and leave there and then but I insisted that I was fine and that the four of us half breeds would be okay up in Wendy's bedroom. So that is where we have been for the last half hour. Seulgi made herself at home and put on some music while Jaemin and Wendy sat on the bed next to one another just talking about things. I'm sure Wendy mentioned something about asking for advise about the whole baby thing since he has done this a few times now, had children and had to leave them. But as he pointed out it's a little different for women but he still made the effort to give out some pointers.

I stopped listening to their conversation but just sit on the window ledge that was cushioned with pillows and looked out through the glass to watch the rain fall. Pulling up my knees to my chest and gazing out to the world beyond. Wendy had a nice view up here, the nature that surrounded the house gave me a sense of comfort since I always liked the outdoors.

There's wooded area around the house Jaemin and I stay in but there seems to be more here.

"So Y/n...." Seulgi

I heard her voice call to me as she sat down next to me, crossing her legs over the other on this large ledge and full body turned in my direction.

"So Seulgi?"

I repeated and she stretched a smile as we gazed at one another.

"Is there anything you want to talk about?" Seulgi

I raised a brow to her question but quickly shut it down by shaking my head.

"Nope, nothing."

She hummed at me, squinting her eyes as if not convinced but I just ignored her and turned my head back towards the window to resume watching the outdoors and rain droplets on the glass.

"Nothing huh?" Seulgi

I shook my head but continued to look out the window. I have other concerns on my mind right now so I didn't want to get into that conversation or it will make it all the more real.

"Y/n I got my period this week." Seulgi

I nodded with hum, glancing towards her but frowned when I seen the serious look on her face.


Furrowing my brows to her I didn't know why she would randomly tell me that.

"You didn't get yours last week did you?" Seulgi

My eyes shot up and I turned my head to both Jaemin and Wendy sitting now quietly on the bed watching Seulgi and I's interaction. I shifted uncomfortably on my seat and shrugged.

"This isn't the place to be talking about it Seulgi. They could hear us."

"No they can't. That's why I turned on the music, they will hear that instead of us talking." Seulgi

"Just tell her Y/n." Jaemin

I turned towards Jaemin again, sighing heavily just to stare into his eyes from across the room. I haven't told anyone but him, only telling him when I wrote it on a piece of paper and I'm sure the others know too they just haven't said anything.

"I can't."

I whispered towards him sadly. That was when Wendy stood up from the bed to walk over to us girls by the window and placed her small hand to my shoulder.

"It's better if you admit it Y/n. I was in denial too at first." Wendy

I shook my head at her, pleading with my eyes to not make me say it out loud. I don't want it to be true, I don't want this to happen.

"Y/n is this because if you do it will be all the more real?" Seulgi

I nodded, scrunching my face up in some sort of pain to my chest and fiddled with my fingers just for the sake of it.

"I don't want to be pregnant because that would mean..."

I stopped myself as I think back. But Jaemin finished it for me as he came to stand beside Wendy.

"Namjoon would be the father." Jaemin

I nodded again, biting my lower lip, trying my hardest to not cry. I promised myself I wouldn't and I wont but that doesn't mean I could stop the first tear fall from my eye and down my cheek before I could wipe it away. I'm sick of being weak, no more of that.

Wendy gasped, covering her mouth catching all of our attention, eyes roaming to each one of us before settling on me.

"Does that mean it happened when he....." Wendy

She didn't have to say it since I knew what she was implying and nodded, looking back to the outside window.

"That asshole." Seulgi

Whispering under her breath but loud enough of the three of us to hear.

"Like I've been telling you all week you need to tell one of them or at least Yoongi." Jaemin

"I'm pretty sure they know anyway so there's no point."

Shrugging my shoulders at him and leaning my back up against the wall behind me.

"No point in what?"

The new voice spoke from behind Jaemin and Wendy, turning off the music just to glance between all of us. He stood tall, hands behind his back and the most serious face on him I had ever seen. Well besides when he's pissed at Namjoon which is a lot lately but right now it's aimed towards me.

"It's nothing Jungkook." Jaemin

Jungkook shook his head, slowly taking small steps towards us. Jaemin grabbed Wendy by the arm and lightly pushed her to the side to allow Jungkook to come further and stop directly beside me, one brow raised as if waiting for an answer.

"Is it nothing Y/n? Or do you have something share with me?" Jungkook

As I looked up into those bright red eyes, staring back at me I felt my heart pounding in my chest, air stuck in my throat as I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. With the more nerves that piled up inside me I felt all the more light headed. Jungkook furrowed his brows together as he watches me internally panic and it was starting to show on the outside.

"Y/n calm down, it's alright." Jungkook

Placing his hand to my shoulder as I start to hyperventilate in front of him. Shaking my head I just couldn't, pass the point of being able to stop myself I was panicking as everything that's gone wrong so far in my life flashed before my eyes. Jungkook's eyes widen and he pulls me to his chest and begins to speak again as if giving out orders but his voice became distant to me and the next thing I know I passed out, welcoming the darkness that surrounds me.

ConceiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora