Chapter Fifty-seven

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Well I was napping but since the cramps started I haven't been able to close my eyes.

My dad and Jae took Dae out to the park with Jimin and Taehyung and with everyone else at work that left just Yoongi and I left in the house. We decided to nap together in his bed but when I was interrupted I manged to make my way into the bathroom to try and cool off. My temperature was starting to go up too.

I didn't want to wake Yoongi up just yet until I felt like it was necessary. I'm sure I should but my water hasn't broken yet. It's obvious I'm in early stages of labour but I cant help but shake my head at my reflection in the mirror.

Why does this happen when everyone else is out the house?

I already called the doctor and he's on his way. This time I used Yoongi's phone to call him to let him know so this time there will be a doctor present at the birth and Yoongi wouldnt have to deliver the baby alone like Namjoon did with Dae.

A sudden intense cramp rushed over my lower belly, causing me to wince in pain and bend forward clutching my stomach. They were getting more painful by the second and more frequent which I know to be normal. I remember from having Dae. I guess the second time round it helps to know what you're expecting.

Except this pain didn't fade, that was until I felt something gush between my legs and create a puddle to the tiled floor.


I mumbled, grabbing a towel to throw over the wet patch below my feet and waddle to the bedroom mid way texting Dr Go that my water has now broken so he is up to date with what is going on by the time he gets here and then to text Namjoon and Jin in a group chat with them all that my water has broken. I didn't wait for a response though and closed the chat.

Dropping the phone to the table, I sat on the edge of the bed seeing Yoongi peacefully sleeping. I was about to wake him up but I felt a another contraction. Biting my lower lip I breathed in and out from the pain but as it started to fade Yoongi's eyes abruptly opened and instantly sat up, worry expressed all over his face.

"Are you having contractions?!" Yoongi

I nodded still going through the pain. Yoongi instantly jumped up from the bed, rushed over to my side and picked up my legs and positioned myself into his bed. Adjusting and fluffing the pillows behind my upper back and head so I was comfortable and then helped me slip off my sweat pants that were soaked and then flapped a white sheet across my bare legs.

"I have to call Dr Go." Yoongi

I heard him mumble, reaching for his phone but I grabbed his wrist, shaking my head at him as he furrowed his brows.

"Huh?" Yoongi

"I already called him. He's on his way and I already told everyone in the group chat."

"You told everyone before waking me up?!" Yoongi

"Yoongi chill. You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up straight away. We'll be back to sleepless nights after this."

I laid back comfortably but was short lived when another contraction came along. I curse my body for having constant contractions once my water breaks. That's what happened with Dae and it's happening again.

Yoongi took my hand with a light squeeze and came to sit to my left side of the bed and started to pant and breath with me to try and ease the pain. Honestly to anyone else he may look ridiculous but to me it meant a lot that he was trying to go through this with me.

The bedroom door burst open and in came Dr Go with Jin by his side seemingly alerted with panic.

"Is everything alright? We came as fast as we could!" Jin

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