Chapter Fifty-six

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(Four Months Later)

Well today is the day that Dae turns one!!

I mean my little boy is one years old and it seems like yesterday he was born. That day so crystal clear in my mind but a fond memory for sure.

We had a little party for him at home to celebrate the day.

Decorations hung around the living room and kitchen. Birthday banners and balloons which dae has taken a liking to when it comes to the balloons.

Sitting up right I watch him from my seated position on the couch. He's sitting upright with a blue balloon in hand and slapping it constantly across Jimins face and laughing as the vampire takes the beating.

The little girl next to Dae, Kailee Wendy's biological daughter sits close by watching curiously but was more focused on playing with one of daes toy cars.

As I'm sitting here, per yoongis requested since I'm due next month I sit here quietly and observe every person in the room.

Everyone present I have come to love and form friendships with. Its just disappointing Seulgi couldn't come here today to join us. There was something about a meeting with Dr Go and another that she had to attend. She was very vague on the details but Samuel and his wife Sana needed to attend too. I'm sure she'll tell me tomorrow.

A hand rested on my huge belly and sipping on my glass of blood through a straw my wondering eyes landed on a certain couple just six feet away from Kailee.

Wendy and Jae.

Over the months they've become close. They talk pretty much every day over the phone now. It's obvious the two are crushing on each other and it's more obvious by the way they're bodies are turned to face one another and practically almost chest to chest. But with Wendy's rounded stomach like mine it keeps that distance. With Wendy being pregnant it doesn't faze Jae in the slightest.

Although they're talking or more like whispering to one another, Wendy's wondering eyes would land on her daughter not far away from her.

To the couples right and closest to the fire place was Marcus and Tina both speaking to my dad with drinks in their hands. Surprisingly my dad is a very social person even with vampires and didn't mind walking up to the couple to speak to them. It also seems both Marcus and Tina didn't mind my dad approaching them to speak about the architecture of this house.

I chuckled when I came to think about the memory of my dads first proper take on the house after finding out that Jae is my biological brother.

Dad was fascinated by the place and was in awe for days. But now he's settled in perfectly and has even bonded with my son too.

"Y/n do you need a refill?" Yoongi

His voice next to me brought me out my thoughts and I suddenly realised I was drinking out of my straw but the glass was now empty.

I cringed but then sheepishly smiled at Yoongi sitting beside me and nodded. Yoongi just laughed but took my glass from me as he stood up and pecked my forehead before walking to the kitchen.

"Would you two stop playing around with those balloons?! You're using up all the helium!!" Jin

Jin now stood in the doorway between the kitchen and living room glaring at the two culprits in the far corner to my left.

I followed his line of direction to see both Taehyung and Jungkook giggling as they turn to face everyone now staring back at them. Each man holding a half de-flatted balloon in their hands with cheeky smiles but innocent eyes.

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