Chapter 22

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Heyo!! I wanted to bless y'all with some fluff and some uh... *cough* development. This is inbetween episode 5 and 6, I just want you and Megatron to be happy again :(

Warnings: uhh lime?

Thank you, stay safe, and enjoy the chapter :)


      (Y/n) laid in her berth, in more comfortable clothing and stripped from any gear. It felt so much better to sleep on something warm, and something she wasn't bound to. A small smile laid on her lips at the thought of Megatron earlier today. She missed him more than she thought she did. The main thing in her mind was escaping that she didn't exactly think about anything else.

      But, thinking about Megatron led her to thinking about the fight. How she'd hurt sad Drew was now. Tensing, she couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. Silas was his father, but his mother was obviously doing a good service by not telling him. But, now it was too late and she was dead. The whole time she was gone, she thought about the continuous nights of where she'd fall asleep on the cold operating table.

      They were going to cut her open like a frog, Starscream had said. But, Silas had figured she'd die on that table, and did not tell Drew. Drew didn't know she was going to die? What else had Silas kept from him? Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to shut out the constant flooding of earlier memories between her and Drew. He used to act normal, even when he first found out about his abilities. That poor boy...

      But, at the same time, Drew intended to hurt her. Maybe not kill her, but definitely hurt. Silas did intend to kill her. (Y/n) shivered and hugged herself at the thought of dying, her eyes widening at the image of herself on that operating table... and then, when that foot soldier was running his hands over her body, he had stopped and felt her ribs a few times. Why her ribs?

      Sitting up, (Y/n) felt her ribs. They felt normal, but then again she didn't know she wasn't normal until Knockout did some testing. The times Silas stood there, Drew controlling her with his mind, the Cybertronian prototype, being close to death yet again, Starscream, the experiments they would have most likely performed once the prototype was done, it all made her dizzy and she fell back against the berth.

      Dragging her hands down her face, she wondered when Megatron would be back. It's been a little while, and she feared she wouldn't be awake to see him. But, as if Primus was on her side today, the door opened. Sitting up, (Y/n) saw Megatron walk in. He looked tired, very tired. But, when his optics landed on her, he gave her a smile.

      Dragging himself onto the bed, he settled down. "I see you made yourself comfortable. Did you eat?"

      "I did. I grabbed some energon, I feel more energized than before." (Y/n) looked up at him.

      "Good, good." Megatron leaned forward and kissed (Y/n), then pulled back with his optics closed, and rested his forehelm against her forehead. "I missed you. I missed you so much."

      "I missed you too, Megatron. I love you." (Y/n) smiled.

      Megatron stifled a sob. "I've been waiting to hear you say that...I love you too."

      Megatron went back in for another kiss. He held her cheek as their lips moved in sync. (Y/n) reached up and put her hands on the sides of his faceplate. He leaned down, taking (Y/n) with him. Putting a servo on the berth, he didn't stop until (Y/n)'s back was against it.

      They pulled away and stared at each other. They stayed that way for however long they wanted. They hadn't seen each other in weeks, possibly. The time spent away was over, the last argument they had was forgotten about, the circumstances were done. (Y/n) flew forward and smashed her lips against his lip plating, the kiss getting intense.

      Megatron lowered his body onto hers, and he felt how hot her body had become. His free servo travelled across her body, taking in every dip and curve. He pulled away and looked down at her. "(Y/n), would you allow me...?"

      "Allow you to what?" (Y/n) looked up at him, voice low.

      "Sparkbond." Megatron whispered.

      (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "With me? Are you sure?"

      (Y/n) knew about sparkbonding. It was a very special ritual for Cybertronians that could mean a number of things, depending on how they did it. It could mean marriage, or taking a relationship to the next step. Once again, it depended on how the couple did it, but obviously they could only do it one way.

      "I am sure. It's you, (Y/n). I choose you." Megatron looked her in the eyes, full of sincerity.

      It felt right. It did. So, she moved forward and kissed him deeply again, then looked at him in his optics. "I'll allow you. I love you."

      "I love you too." Megatron then brought her into another deep kiss, pressing his whole body into her.


      Waking up while being warm was new for (Y/n). Opening her eyes, she looked up and saw Megatron sleeping peacefully next to her. Smiling softly to herself, (Y/n) nestled herself further into Megatron. That woke the mech up slightly and he stirred. Megatron looked down at (Y/n), then smiled warmly. "Good morning."

      "Good morning indeed." (Y/n) leaned up and kissed Megatron.

      "Was last night okay?" Megatron brushed his servo through (Y/n)'s hair, brushing her bare shoulder.

      "It was perfect. Did you like it?"

      "I loved it." Megatron kissed her.

      (Y/n) giggled and pulled away, closing her eyes. "I want to stay in today. I just got back from being held hostage, and I want to spend more time in your arms."

      Megatron chuckled. "Don't worry, I was already prepared for that." and kissed her once more.

Vulnerable (TFP Megatron x F!Reader) ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant