Chapter 56- What if...

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I didn't want another war or blood lost but unfortunately this was the life we had all entered. Though Aisha was in fact strong and smarter than most of the top bosses I had a feeling we'd be able to nip this in the butt.

"So was it Aisha?"

I shake my head I don't even flinch when both boys appear next to me as we quickly make our way to the car waiting. "Surprisingly it was Ava" I mumble as I hop in, Namjoon and Taehyung do the same "To be honest I thought she died" Taehyung says I nod I wouldn't have Ben surprised if she was a goner by this point.

"So What did she want?"

Namjoon asks as we start to drive away "To warn me, Aisha is trying to get some group together to retaliate against us. She's spreading lies about you as leader and she said people were believing her but I wouldn't worry to much Hyung" he nods I can see the wheels turning in his head before me and Taehyung glance at each other.

"Don't stress over it Hyung, Aisha doesn't have many connections lately at least not with you in charge. Let me take care of this issue, but for now let's enjoy this wedding"


Your POV

Tears were shed as Yami and Seokjin join together for their first dance. For being last minute the ceremony turned out beautiful, Zara really knew how to put on a wedding. The beautiful scenery around us helped a lot though, I can't help but tear up as I watch the two dancing together.

They looked so happy and in love, I can't help but think back to what Seokjin told me so long ago in that kitchen. How they wanted to leave the family business and go live quietly on their own and maybe start a family. I could see it clear as day, but the thought of them leaving us made my chest ache. But if anyone deserved that fresh start it was them. Hell they've both been kidnapped and beaten to death practically just to be together again.

"May I have this dance?"

I smile as the baritone voice dances along the shell of my ear "of course" I mumble as  I turn to face those honey comb eyes. He looked breath taking, his hair styled away from his face so you can see all his beautiful features.

"You look beautiful"

He whispers snaking his hand around my waist and slowly starting to sway to the music. Zara and Namjoon were to our right as Yoongi and Sona were to our left, everyone seemed really happy tonight. I just hoped everything stayed that way. Seojun was keeping Jimin and Jungkook busy with his own moves while Hoseok was on the phone. He had been doing that a lot lately, I hardly have seen or spoken to him. 

"So how did the meeting go?"

I ask raising a brow, Taehyung shakes his head before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss to my lips "Not tonight honey, tonight we enjoy ourselves and pretend to live some kind of normal life" I smile up at him

"Okay then, what kind of normal life could you see us having?"

I was curious to see what his future would look like if he was given the chance to have a normal future. He ponders on the question making an adorable thinking face before looking back at me "We'd definitely be married by now and maybe have two or three children of our own"

I smile at the thought but my chest aches at the same time as he spins me around. "We'd have a huge house one with a lot of land so we can have as many pets as possible" I chuckle as he pulls me close again

"I would take you out and show you off whenever I could, I'd cherish you every single night"

He breaths the last bit resting his forehead agains me as my whole body tingles "I'd love you more and more with every passing second" I feel my eyes get watery as he speaks "it sounds perfect" I manage as he holds me even tighter, in another life maybe that could be our future but in this life we both know that couldn't be.

"If you were given the chance to take this future with me would you?"

I look up at him again and see his own glistening eyes, he's holding back the tears much like myself. "In a heartbeat but...can the house be smaller? I want it to be a cozy home. Though we can have the land because I want puppies and maybe horses" he chuckles and kisses my temple

"anything for you my love"

Seokjin's POV

"You're officially stuck with me now you know that right?"

Yami laughs as she slips out of her heels "I thought I was already stuck with you?" I smile and pick her up bridal style "I'm glad you see it that way Mrs. Kim" she smiles wider as I walk her into our room and place her gently on the bed.

"Do you regret anything?"

I'm not sure why those words slipped out but I guess I just needed to know that I wasn't trapping her into this lifestyle with me. I know she could have left and turned on me and she didn't but still I just needed to know if she'd possibly resent me one day for all of this. It doesn't go unnoticed how much she has sacrificed for not only me but this family. It kills me to think about everything I've put her through.

"Not a thing, I love you Seokjin. I'm not going anywhere unless it's with you, like I've told you before I knew what I was signing up for"

I smile and kiss her lips, that may be true but still things have gotten really bad this year. They were never this harsh when my father was still alive.

"If given the chance would you still run away with me? Would you still go with me if I was broke and wanted to start a new life with you? One without all this crap"

Her smile softens but also gets smaller as she searches my eyes "Yes, you know money doesn't matter to me and you know I'd love to open a restaurant with you and start a family my love but think of all the good things here. We can still have a happy life and future here, I know things seem hard now but we've been through it all at this point. There is nothing we can't handle together and to be honest I think all this crap we've gone through has only made our relationship stronger. Don't you?"

This was the reason I fell so hard for this woman, she was always so kind and thoughtful not to mention funny and witty. She never judged me or my family, she really just looked at me for me and not what I can do to help her. She was perfect in my eyes and she had a good point.

"I do, I'm so lucky I found you Yami. I promise you I will give you all of that and then some from here on out. I love you so much"

"As I love you"

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