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He turned around and saw Minju at the door.

He excused himself and left his friends before following her to the next room.

As soon as he closed the door behind him, Minju spoke; "From now on, I want no one to touch her. Especially you."

He sniggered, walking towards her. "What, why? I haven't even fuck her yet."

"She is pregnant, and I am going to take care of her."

He squinted his eyes at her, then he cupped her face, his thumb circling on her cheek.

"Did she put a spell on you? Or... mind-controlling powers, something? Baby, I've risked my life, taking her in for you."

Minju suddenly slapped his hand away and this triggered a warning for him.

"You only love me for sex. You told me to put in this birth control so you can worry less," she hissed.

"She did do something to your mind, right?"

"You said that you just wanted to use her to get money from Jin, so just do it and I will make sure that you're not going to torture her."

Griffin walked towards the broken window and took out a cigarette pack.

"Well, I never did," he muttered, taking one cig out and lit it up, letting out a puff then he glanced over to her. "You did."

She took a few steps towards him. "I'm going to surrender myself. I have no more desire to continue this kind of living with you."

"Are you really ready to live in prison? Wow, did she tell you that she will lessen your sentences if you help her? Do you believe her?"

"If she's my only way to leave all this, then yes. So stay away from her, and I will be the one who takes care of her."

Griffin took in one long puff and sighed. Minju watched him as he looked out from the window, staring at the open sea.

"Then, I won't be in your way. Just... if you're trying to do something funny," he turned to her and grinned, "I won't hesitate to put a bullet to your head."

"I would take it as long as she and her baby are safe," Minju smiled before she turned around and left.


"Anything from him? Calls, texts? That was the only thing he sent?"

"Yes, sir."

Namjoon sighed, running his hands through his hair as he sat down on his chair. He stared at the large whiteboard in the middle of the busy room, full with his team as they tried to figure out Griffin's actual location, just to make sure that Deoksan was the right place.

The board was full of mindmaps, pictures stuck on it, suspects that were involved were stuck on the board as well, but his eyes had been staring at the one that they just recently received.

A screenshot of a video of Griffin pointing a gun at Junghye's head.

Namjoon glanced over at the wall clock, and it was almost one in the morning.

Twelve hours had passed since Junghye was kidnapped.

"Everyone, you should stop this now and continue tomorrow. It's getting late, and all of you need rest. You all can go home," he said and after his team thanked him, he immediately left the room and straight to his office.

But stopped when someone caught his attention down the hallway to his office.

"Oh god, please... Please protect her," he whispered, leaning against the wall just outside Namjoon's office.

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