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Jin glanced at the bouquet of paper daisies in his hands, and had a little smile as he made his way down the hallway, and stopped in front of a door.

He knocked on the door and pushed it open. He peeked his head in and chuckled.

"Hey, love. How are you today?" he asked as he entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"I'm fine, so don't worry," he muttered, putting the bouquet into the empty vase on the bedside table.

"Today, there's a group of kids who want to see Fairy Jung," he exhaled, taking a seat. "I told them that Fairy Jung is now on her mission in other places, so they won't be able to see you soon. Then do you wanna know what they made?"

He giggled and pointed to the paper flower. "Paper flowers. For you. They said that you like their paper flowers. So they thought... paper flowers will call you back to them."

His laugh weakened, and tears came out of his puffy eyes as he glanced over at motionless Junghye.

After the four-hour surgery, Junghye has been in a coma for three months now, entering four. As his father had informed last time, the chances of her survival were just fifty-fifty.

And her being in a coma was expected but Jin wasn't really ready for that.

Jin leaned to her bedside and grabbed her hand in his trembled hands.

"Please wake up, Junghye. They miss you..." he whispered, placing a kiss on her cold hand. "I miss you a lot. Please, come back..."


"Hey, you're alright?" Jiwook sighed, as he watched Jin playing around with his food with a fork across from him.

"Hm," was his only response.

"Seokjin hyung is not okay," Jimin said, munching on his food. "He's getting skinnier, did you notice that sunken cheeks?"

"Of course, I did. I'm a doctor as well, Jimin," Jiwook grunted, rolling his eyes at him. His focus went back to his cousin. "Are you going to be like this, Seokjin? Please take care of yourself. You don't want her to see you like this when she wakes up-"

"Will she?"

Hearing that simple response, Jiwook stood up and reached out to Jin's coat's collar and grabbed it tightly.

"What did you say?" Jiwook raged, fist tightened.

Jimin, who had been sitting right next to Jiwook, grabbed onto his arm and tried to yank him off from Jin.

"Sorry, I um..." Jin mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he took in a deep breath. "I'm disoriented, I can't think straight these days."

"Days? It's months, Jin. You have been like this for months! If this continues, you will get sick yourself! You're obviously depressed!"

Jimin slapped Jiwook's arm, giving him a warning look, but Jiwook ignored him as he sat back on his seat.

"Jiwook, I..." Jin halted, staring blankly at his food as he whispered, "I miss her... I miss her so much. And I'm afraid...if my worst fear would come true-"

"Hey, don't say that," his cousin cut him off, sighing. "You talk to her, don't you? Believe me, she's listening to you. She will wake up soon. Keep talking to her. Give her strength through your words."

"Seokjin ah..."

All of them turned to the calling voice, and Jin's older brother, Seokjung was there.

"Oh, Seokjung hyung. Hello," Jiwook greeted, reaching his hand out for a shake.

"Hey, Jiwook. How's your wife?" Seokjung asked.

Moon [BTS Jin Fanfiction]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz