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"The roads from both sides are fully closed, sir."

"Make sure the citizens are kept away from the area," Namjoon ordered the security team after they blocked both roads in the direction of the building. He looked around and could see that there was a crowd standing on one side of the road with phones in their hands, recording that eventful evening.

He then walked over to a truck where his team was getting ready, making last checks on themselves. As they turned to him, all of them stood uniformly, hands gripping tight on their firearms.

"As you guys are already well informed, it's a four-story building. Our target might be on the fourth floor where the production lab is. I'm going to the fourth floor by myself. The rest of you will be sweeping the other floors, making sure there are no other people in it."

Hearing Namjoon's quick brief, Jungkook stepped forward, obviously concerned.

"Hyung, I'll go with you," he insisted Namjoon, who was grabbing extra ammunition for himself.

"No, it's dangerous," Namjoon mumbled, putting on his helmet when Jungkook suddenly grabbed his arm.

"Hyung, I didn't sign up the force to stand behind you. I want to stand with you."

"I've faced Griffin Hulls before. He might blow up this place with the team inside. I'm not going to let that happen again."

"Namjoon hyung. Trust me. Trust us," Jungkook encouraged his team leader. The rest of the squad suddenly stepped forward around the two of them.

"We've been put in this special team with you because we are specially trained. We are ready for this," one of them said, nodded in confidence.

"At least let Jungkook be with you," another one said, pointing to Jungkook.

The two friends stared at each other for a moment, then Jungkook smiled, placing a hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

"I'm your best friend, hyung. I will protect you as much as you would protect me. We had each others' back, right?"

Namjoon then smiled and nodded, instantly agreed on letting the young be with him.

After everyone was done, Namjoon led the team as he left the truck and walked towards the targeted building, when suddenly Jungkook stopped him.

"Seokjin hyung?" he muttered, and this caught Namjoon's attention. Jungkook turned to him and pointed to the crowd, and a familiar face popped up.

"That's Jin hyung, right?" Jungkook asked again, but Namjoon was already running towards the crowd, grunting.

"HYUNG! What are you doing here?! I told you to stay home with Junghye!" Namjoon raged as Seokjin grabbed onto the barricade gate after he went through the crowd.

"If you really want to prove that Hong Minju was also involved in this crime, I have to see it with my own eyes," Seokjin hissed through his gritted teeth.

"You're really a stupid man like Junghye noona had told me," Jungkook suddenly interrupted, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Junghye... She's not with you, right?" Namjoon asked, eyes glancing around the area, in hopes to not see the girl nearby.

"No, I told the rest to keep her in the house."

"Do you know that it's too dangerous for you to be here? Do you know that if Hulls ever gets out of this place without me noticing, he can take you as a hostage?"

"I don't care, Namjoon. If this place runs with illegal money from my hospital, I won't keep quiet."

Namjoon let out a grunt and sighed. "Just... stay here!" he sternly said, immediately rushing back towards his team, with Jungkook following after him.

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