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WARNING: This chapter contains shooting, violence, blood... what else? You know, something that comes along with... Kidnapping.


"Soojung ah, just wait there. I'll get to my car and pick you up at the front."

"No, no! I will run there now!"

"No, it's fine! I'm at the parking lot and I can see my car from here now! Just wait there, for god sake!"

Junghye ended the phone call as her car came to her sight.

She got in and placed her bag onto the passenger seat, and a brown envelope poked out of the opening of her bag.

She smiled and picked up the envelope, opening it to take a few glances at the ultrasound photos of their first child.

She chose one and slipped it into her jeans pocket, then she put the other two photos back into the envelope. She put the envelope into the compartment, before she put on her seatbelt, ready to drive.

But then as she began to drive out of her parking spot, suddenly a black van blocked her car from the other direction. She stepped on the brake hard, feeling mad at the sudden intrusion. She rolled her window down and poked her head out.

"Hey! This is my road! Please move!" she yelled, pressing the car horn and wait.

But the van didn't move nor anyone was seen coming out of the van.

Grunting, she put off her seatbelt and decided to step out of her car. Once she stood by the van, she began to knock on the hood repeatedly.

"Hey, move the van! Come on, where are your manners?!"

"Noona, get down!"


A gunshot was heard, and as she turned around, a guy in black clothing screamed as he fell onto the road, blood could be seen through his shirt, just a few feet away from her.

And at that moment she knew that she needed to save herself.

She ran back to her car and quickly hid on the other side of her car, trying to process what just happened, while hearing silenced gunshots around her.

Is Griffin after me?! Is Griffin really after me?! That was Jungkook's voice, why was he here? Had they always been around me? What's happening-


Her hands went to an unknown guy who had snuck up behind her, who then instantly covered her nose and mouth with a wet cloth, and just in a few seconds, she lost consciousness.



Jungkook's grip on his gun tightened, still pointing at Griffin.

And knocked out Junghye over his shoulder as he stood up from the other side of her car.

"Let her go, or I'll shoot you!" Jungkook threatened, taking a few steps forward, still aiming the gun at the criminal.

"You won't do anything to me once I have her in my arms, right? Then I'll keep her closer to me," Griffin sneered, walking towards the other van that was waiting for him.

Jungkook put up his hand, and his squad got the signal to 'be ready' from him.

"Tell Kim that I will be waiting on the rooftop of an abandoned building by the cliff. If he is smart, he can find the place easily," the criminal hinted, then one of his men quickly grabbed Junghye into the van, along with Griffin, so fast that Jungkook couldn't stop the fleeing van even by shooting at it.

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