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"Ah, finally! You're awake!" Mrs. Kim chimed throughout the Im's family house as she spotted both her sons and her daughter-in-law entered the house through the back door.

"I asked your brother to wait for you till you wake up," Mrs. Kim said, grabbing Jin's arm and led him towards the dining area, followed by Seokjung and Ahreum.

At the same time, Junghye walked out from the kitchen with a tray with two different dishes on it towards the large dining table in the dining area.

Seokjin watched her as she stood beside him and set down the bowls onto the table, chuckling.

"Lol. I thought you went back to your OWN home," Junghye whispered, giggling.

"So what, huh?" he hissed under his breath. She rolled her eyes at him and began to walk back towards the kitchen.

When he saw his mom placing the utensils on the table, he instantly asked her. "Mom, why are we having breakfast here?"

"Hey, Junghye's mom wanted us to join along. Besides..."

Mrs. Kim paused as she heard someone was walking out of the kitchen. And it was Junghye's mom with another tray, this time with bowls of seaweed soups.

"Oh? Seaweed soup?" Seokjung pointed out as the bowls were placed down on the table. "Mrs. Han, whose birthday is it today?" he asked Junghye's mom, and she immediately pointed to Junghye, who was just stepping out of the kitchen with a jug of orange juice.

"Junghye? Oh, happy birthday!" Ahreum cheered, patting Junghye's back softly.

"Ah, thank you," she smiled, placing down the jug carefully. "You guys can eat first; I'll go get more rice and soup."

Once again, she left for the kitchen, and as Seokjin was about to look for an empty seat, his mom quickly grabbed him.

"Seokjin ah, go and help her."

He heavily sighed upon his mom's order. "Mom, please... Stop trying to make us close- ow!" he cried, when his mom hit his shoulder hard.

"You guys fought a lot in the past. Isn't it better to be good to each other now?" his mom muttered, with her wide eyes staring daggers into his.

Grunting, his heavy steps began to lead him towards the kitchen, and there was Junghye, placing down a set of four empty bowls onto two separate trays.

And as she noticed Jin was standing by the doorway, she carefully picked one of the trays and passed it to him.

"The rice cooker is there," she instructed, pointing to one corner of the kitchen as she made her way towards the stove, where the pot of soup was.

There was total silence, as both of them went busy pouring the soup into the bowls, while the other was scooping the rice and put it into separate bowls.

"Hey um..." Seokjin began to speak, and he knew that Junghye didn't turn to him, so he went on. "Happy birthday, Junghye."


Seokjin swiftly turned around as he heard her shriek and the sound of the soup ladle clanking against the metal pot.

On his instinct, he quickly reached her and brought her to the sink. He turned on the faucet, immediately placing her right hand under the running water, cooling the burnt area.

"Junghye?! What is it?!" suddenly her mom rushed into the kitchen, probably had heard her shriek too.

"Oh, nothing, mom. It's just... I-I-I touched the pot. That's why. But it's okay now," Junghye stammered, still a bit shocked with what happened.

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