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"I'm going to marry you."

Those unexpected words that left Junghye's lips made Seokjin froze in shock.

There was an absolute silence between them, only the sound of their breaths could be heard.

One was in shock, while the other was composed.

"W-W-What are you talking... about- MARRY ME?! NO!" Seokjin suddenly began as he curled up his hands into fists.

Junghye shook her head as she took another step forward and put up her hands together, begging.

"I'm doing this for grandma! Please! We just... marry each other and let her do the surgery and then we'll get a divorce!"

"Isn't it easier if you talk to her, instead of marrying me?!" he immediately interrupted. "Marrying you, pfft... No way in a million years I would do that."

"Why are you taking it so seriously?! It's just you and me! We can just sign papers, show it to grandma, let her do the surgery, and after everything is fine, then we can sign the divorce papers!"

"Do you think it's easy to do all that? Do you even do the research first on how our country's law works?"

Junghye clicked her tongue, the feeling of giving up beginning to seep into her though knowing that convincing this guy was going to be a long hard process.

Then suddenly he scorned, a smirk appeared by his lips as he told her, "you have another reason, right?"

She got confused by that question. "No, I don't!"

"Hey, we all know!"

He then opened his arms wide and looked around as he took a step back away from her.

"We all know that YOU owned half of this building. To have full control over it, you need MY half, right?!"

"What are you talking about?!" she blurted out, getting more confused with his statement.

"Don't act stupid! It's impossible for you to not know it," he scoffed, then walked back towards her, now intimidating her by standing closer to her and stared into her eyes.

"Whatever it is, no one's getting married. All we have to do is to force grandma to do it without getting us married," he hissed, affirmed with his final choice.

They stared in silence again, then he began to move back and when he was about to leave, but Junghye was quick to grab his arm.

"YOU MUST MARRY ME!" she squealed, trying to hold him in. As well as herself for some reason.

He yanked his arm away, freeing himself from her grip, and shouted, "TELL ME WHY!"

She was gasping nervously upon hearing his tone, and felt something in her throat, still trying to hold in. But when Seokjin began to approach her, she stuttered.

"M-Minju..." she whispered; tears began to run down her cheeks as she mentioned the name.

He halted, and now it was his turn to be shocked by the sudden mention of the name.

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't want her to hurt you... and your family," she cried, sniffing as she stepped closer to him. "She's... not like what you know. She's not the one for you. If she really loves you, she wouldn't-"

"She wouldn't what?" he snapped, instantly cut her words off.

Biting her lips, Junghye was trying to not reveal everything that she knew furthermore, because she also didn't want to hurt his feelings.

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